7. Too fast

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Most of us are quite silent during the breakfast. Sam asks if anything fun happened after he left. I shake my head as I put a piece of bacon into my mouth. Robbie looks at us.

"Did anyone get anything yesterday?"

Haley and I laugh and both shake our heads. "Ella?" he asks.


Sienna smiles broadly. "I might."

"Oh wow... Who?" Wrenn asks shaking her head lightly.

"Ah, no one special..."

"Tom?" She asks looking at him.

He looks like he's thinking for a second before breaking into a nervous chuckle. "Uhm... no."

"Oh, so you did?" Robbie teases.

Tom's eyes meet mine for a swift second before I look down. I can't let anyone see the redness spreading through my face.

"No I didn't." Tom shakes his head.

"Okay, don't tell us, then..." Ella laughs.

Wrenn is looking at Tom for a while, as the conversation goes over to something else.

After breakfast we all pack up our stuff. We are taking a bus back, but it's not just a bus. It's a nice bus.

I seat myself by a table with Haley, Ella and Sam, on the other side of the midway Tom, Wrenn, Sienna and Robbie are already seated. I have a good view of Tom from my seat. I have no idea whether that's a good thing or not.

To begin with we talk a lot about the cast and Haley as we don't know much about her. I know a bit but most of the others don't. "Have you found a place to live?" Wrenn asks her.

"No not yet... I'm staying with my aunt until I find something."

"Yeah, not the easiest to find apartments to rent right now." Tom nods.

Suddenly Tanner walks over to us, he squeezes in beside Haley, on the other side of the table, in front of me. He joins in on the conversation. "How old are you, Haley?"

"I'm 23." She smiles. He nods "like me."

Then he looks to all of us. "I feel like I know so little about everyone." His glaze turns to me. "Do you have a boyfriend, y/n?"

I'm startled. I don't but... I mean... I don't mean to, but I look over to Tom. He meets them and gives me a smile and nod. I look to Tanner again.

"Uhm... No I don't..."

Sam who's sitting beside me nudges me. "That didn't sound very convincing."

"I don't" I repeat.

"Have you had a boyfriend, then?" Tanner asks.

My mind instantly goes back. To a person I most certainly don't want to think about.


"Long time ago?" Ella looks at me.

"Well, we broke up when I was eighteen, so it's a while ago, yeah."

Tom joins in. "Were you together for long?"

I look down at the table whilst answering. "Almost two years."

Tanner continues by asking Robbie. "What about you, Rob?"

"I'm married." He laughs. "And I have a son."

"Oh, really?" Sienna asks. "I had no idea..."

"Yup." Robbie nods.

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