46. «give him a chance...»

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Unfortunately, our night couldn't last forever.

I feel half dead when my alarm wakes me up the next morning. All I want is to snuggle up in Tom's arms and sleep in, but I know I can't. I have to get back home before Ella and Haley wake up. God help me if they've noticed me being gone...

Tom drives me back, luckily. I tried to convince him to go back to sleep, but that mission was hopeless. He didn't want to hear nothing of it.


I try to be as quiet as possible as I sneak through the door and into the apartment. It doesn't seem like they are awake. Grabbing myself a bowl of cereal I seat myself in the sofa and put on "Love is blind" but muted of course.

After a while a faint sound of a door closing and a movement in my side view catches my attention. I turn to my right, expecting to see Ella, but to my surprise I find a half naked Scott tip-toeing towards the bathroom. Oh my god...

"Scott?" I'm unable to hide my surprise.

He is just as startled, turning towards me with big eyes. "Oh... Hi, y/n." He scratches the back his head. "I didn't see you there."

"Well, this is awkward. Ella still asleep?" I ask, putting my empty bowl on the table in front of me.

"Yeah, I was just - I really need to piss."

"Go ahead." I nod towards the bathroom door. As he disappears. I close my eyes and take a deep breath. Maybe I should have been a better friend yesterday. I really hope Ella won't regret this too bad. What was she thinking... It's not like it wasn't leading up to exactly this, the way she was making out with him yesterday, but still. I hoped she would find it smartest not to sleep with him.

Scott is finished in the bathroom now, and comes back out. "So... You up early, y/n."

I shrug. "Mhm. Did you have a good time last night?"

This is a first timer: seemingly Scott blushes. "Yeah... I did actually."

We must've woken up Ella, as her door cracks open and she peaks out. "Oh hi, y/n..." She mutters, coming out as well.

"Hi Ella." I smile before giving her a quick look. She knows what I mean instantly, and just shrugs.

Soon enough Haley comes out of her room too, yawning. "This is too early on a hangover day, guys..." She doesn't even look twice at Scott when passing him. "Morning, Scott."

"Mornin'" he replies.

"I was just asking Scott the same; did you have a good time last night, Ella."

She gives me a "I-hate-you" look. "I did." Then she turns to Scott: "Come on, get dressed, Eastwood."

He disappears into her room for a minute, before coming back out in yesterdays clothes.

Haley has already started making breakfast. "Do you guys want anything?"

"No thanks." I shake my head.

"I have to wait for a while I think." Ella sighs, rubbing her forehead. She plops down beside me.

Scott sits down on the far side of our angled sofa. "Can I have a coffee while waiting for my taxi?"

"Sure, I'll fix." Haley nods.

"Okay, now I need to know" Ella turns to me. "What happened, why did you ditch Douglas y/n?"

I internally slap Ella. I really don't want to talk about this with Scott here.

"Uhm... I just don't want to give him any false expectations." I shrug. "He seems really nice, I just... I don't know."

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