25. Movie slap and getting caught

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New chapter for you<3 Ily

The next four days go by so quickly. We're all so busy, I don't even feel like I have time to think. It's shootings and work all day long, lots of over time, some workouts and the casual pizza-night with the cast.
Tom is busy with several photo shoots and some interviews as well, and it feels like we haven't been alone in forever. So nothing's really happened between us except the casual hug and quick peck when no one's watching. We've also used every opportunity to be close and touch each other, like when shooting scenes and stuff. Still it's killing me that we haven't gotten to do anything else. Been together... I miss his touch... His wonderful kisses...
Luckily there's not much time to think either. Whenever I have a free minute I have phone calls with my manager about projects and photoshoots and what not... I even miss a plan-meeting where the directors and screenwriters usually explain to us what they're planning and some of the things that'll happen in the show. I'm actually sad to miss that... Now, the premiere of the first episode is set too, and it's not too far away...

But yeah... The tension between me and Tom is what's killing me the most. Yesterday during lunch, we sat beside each other and it really felt like I was given electric shocks every time his arm brushed into mine... He even topped it off by putting his hand on my thigh under the table. I had to concentrate so hard not to give anything away... And I can tell that he is bothered too. Every time I touch his chest or shoulder or just nudge him friendly, his body tenses up.

This morning we're doing a scene just the two of us. I've been looking forward to it, both because we'll kind of be alone and because there's a kiss, so that's pleasant.

Tom greets me with a smile when I plump down in the seat beside him to get my makeup done. We easily fall into a conversation, which Wrenn joins when she arrives too. She's doing some other scenes now.

"Are you ready to be hit by me?" I ask Tom with a coy smile. We are kind of fighting in the beginning of this scene, so I'm supposed to hit him.

"I'd let you hit me anytime..." he smirks back flirtatiously, eyes going a shade darker. My heart skips a beat and I have to remind myself to breathe. I can't be loosing it already... just by him talking to me.

I look over to Wrenn who shakes her head with a chuckle. Tom laughs it off as well. "I'm ready, y/n... But it's an intense scene."

"Yeah." I nod closing my eyes as Amelia is about to put on some eyeshadow.

"Fight scene?" Wrenn asks.

"Yup. Naomi is mad and she doesn't really have anyone to take it out on." Tom explains. "Plus she's trying to push me away."

"Yeah. And he is mad too, because he thinks she deserves a better life." I add.

"Aha, good luck!" Wrenn waves and walks away.

We start shooting the scene, beginning with the argument heating up. It feels weird to be yelling at him, but at the same time I know it's Naomi yelling and it's at James, not Tom. I walk closer and closer to him, then I start punching him in the chest as he backs up to the wall. Our eyes meet.


We stay like this, eyes locked and me with both hands on his chest.

"One moment guys!" Mark yells as they start discussing something.

I push my hands a bit into his chest before flat handedly slipping them down over his abs. Keeping eye contact and smirking up at him.

He winks discreetly. "Like what you feel?" his voice is like a low base.

Inhaled - Tom HiddlestonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora