11. The scene

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I look like I Haven't slept at all tonight. Dark circles under my eyes and my morning hair makes it even worse. After the quick glance in the mirror, I hop in the shower, hoping to wash away the sleep from my face.

I can't shake the nervous feeling off though, as I make my way to set, greeting my friends.

"Are you ready for today?" Haley asks me, putting a hand on my shoulder.

"As ready as you can get to getting naked in front of fifty people." I sigh, to chuckles from Ella and Sam.

Tom is coming over. "They asked for you in makeup, y/n."

"Thanks." I smile and hurry over to the trailer where they do our makeup. I actually kind of like this part. I can relax as they make me ready. Today, they're going a bit heavier and more neat on my makeup than any other day though. I already know by the look on Amelia that she's going to ask me something she's not comfortable with.

"Just ask." I sigh.

She looks up surprised but do as I say. "Uhm... could you take off your t-shirt? I'm supposed to do some retouching before your scene..." Her eyes are apologetic, and I smile. "It's fine."

She does some contouring and idk what else whilst I'm sitting in my bra. Just praying that no one is going to come in right now. Luckily no one does. "I'm going to be there to help out during the scene." Amelia explains pulling out some products and putting them in a bag. "Glad it's you." I smile back. I can't help but noticing the oils she's bringing though.

I'm sent over to the costume trailer and am forced to try on a lot of different lingerie. I have to be wearing something that's slutty and sexy enough, but not too difficult to take off.  Eventually we go with this burgundy set with laces and bows. I get some covers to be wearing under the thong, for the sex scene. I strap the piece going around my stomach to the pantyhose and take a look in the mirror. I have never worn anything like this before, but it's actually very sexy. Even on me. [(Picture at the top)]

The bra is pushing my boobs up making them look a bit bigger than they are. Not that I have small boobs, because I don't . They're neither small nor big. Something in between. The thong is laced and quite revealing so I'm glad I shaved this morning. I really like the outfit, to my own surprise. It's not something I would put on if it wasn't for this but... I can't quite tear my eyes from the mirror. I'm handed a see through loose and short dress to have over. It's like... All see through. Transparent even.

At last I pull on a robe which I have on the outside whilst walking over to where we will be shooting. Tom is already there, in his grey suit. His hair is a bit messy which actually looks so good on him. He looks up at me and a soft smile appears. "Ready?"

"Hope so."

We start by going over how the directors want us to do the scene. While Tanner and I are doing the beginning of our scene, they will be shooting the previous of Tom's scenes. How he is running to get to me.

Before the actual sex scene we will be doing all scenes in the "brothel". Tanner wanting to go with me, me talking with Ella and Tanner being mad about something.

After shooting those, Tanner, I and a lot of the crew walk over to the dark red and black room were I have shot my previous "sex scenes" or prostitution scenes. Whatever you want to call them.

We start by shooting us kissing. Tanner doesn't have as soft lips as Tom and the motions are hard and unnatural. I have kissed a lot of guys whilst filming, and never really thought much of how it feels like, but I do now. I'm even comparing... It has to be the nerves.

We're shooting and I move away from tanner to pull off the see through dress. Then I unhook my bra, letting it slip down. Tanner is scanning me with his eyes. i know he is supposed to, but it still feels uncomfortable. Just as it is knowing that there are a lot of people behind the cameras watching as well. I'm just glad that Tom isn't here right now.

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