10. Both ass and breasts

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"I heard we're getting more of the script tomorrow." Ella smiles as she collapses down beside me. I'm taking a moment to catch my breath before doing a couple more scenes, just waiting to be called for. Haley and Tom are standing with us.

"Really?" Haley asks excitedly.

"Yup, I hope it's true."

Tom rubs his hands together "We need more anyways to shoot more episodes."


"I wonder if I'll have more or fewer scenes." I think out loud.

Tom frowns. "My guess is more."

Haley leans closer. "I think so too."

"Y/n!" One of the directors calls me over and I'm up on my feet again. "See you guys at lunch!"

After filming for some hours it's time for lunch, and Tanner catches up with me. "How are the scenes coming?"

"Good I think."

One of our producers, Mark stops us. "We have to talk to you two, alright? With the writers as well."

"Sure, can we get some food on the way?" Tanner replies. They agree and we all walk over to get some lunch. I would love to just have a lunch with my friends, but if the directors and writers want to talk they're probably going to let us in on some of what's happening. I really want to know that too. We walk past Tom, who's standing with some of the crew.

"Tom, are you done? We need you as well."

"Yes." He raises both brows, but tag along.

We grab some food when Wrenn and Robbie call us over. "We're supposed to have a conversation with the directors and writers" I try explaining.

"No... have lunch with us..." Ella sighs. We look at Mark who shrugs. "Alright, but if it's okay, we can talk here?"

We sit down with Ella, Sienna, Wrenn, Haley, Robbie and Sam, as the writers and directors come over.

"Okay, so... We have worked up this idea which we think will be great for the story of both James and Naomi."

"All right?" I take a bite of my sandwich.

"So you will be doing a sex-scene with Tanner." One of the writers explain to me. I feel this lump in my stomach. Of course my character is a prostitute, so it's not something one wouldn't expect, and I have done some sex scenes already. They've all just been surfacing though. Just like some short clips of like making out, undressing, just headshots or still in light underwear or revealing clothes. You get it. They haven't even called them sex scenes when shooting. This sounds different.

Their idea is that Tanner and I are going to have sex or rather he will be fucking me. Tom's character knows where Naomi works but has never been there. This night he goes there to look for her because he is in despair and really down. He walks in on us and is supposed to watch for a while (in shock or realization or something) before walking away. I understand that it's going to be quite hardcore sex or something. We all just listen as they explain it to us.

"Our question is, y/n: How much are you willing to show?" Jeffrey (one of the other directors) asks.

It's dead silent around the table. The others are listening closely as well. This far I haven't had to be naked at all through the series. I've always been wearing clothes, during all scenes.

"Uhm..." It's all I can say. Everyone is waiting for me to answer, but I have no idea what to say. I don't actually want to strip down, but I also want to be seen as professional and willing to help out... "I don't know..."

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