48. "The way she looks in the city lights"

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"We have to watch Knives Out. I'm ordering tickets for tonight, you in?" Ella asks as all three of us get off the bus.

"Definitly." Hayley is all in.

I shake my head slowly. "I can't, I have a meeting with my manager..."

That was a lie.

I do not have a meeting this afternoon. Though I do have plans with a certain Hiddleston...

"Agh, come on!" Ella sighs.

"You two should go!" I encourage them.

"Sure?" Hayley looks at me.

"Definitley, I'll watch it later. Maybe if Jocie doesn't kill me when I get back home, I'll go with her."



When you're excited about something, and looking forward to it, it is like time is trying to be cruel. This day is so slow. I can not wait for it to be over, but any time I check the time, it's still way too long till we get off.

Most of us are taking a break right now. As I'm making myself a sandwich Tom brushes into me, leaning over close to my ear, and whispering: "I can't wait to have you alone tonight darling." These words together with his warm breath, makes shivers run all through my body.

His hand lingers at my waist, before he walks off towards the others, chilling in the sofa.

"You guys!" Robbie says, catching our attention. "You know when we go to Montana for that press event?"

We all nod in unison.

"How about we rent a tree house together, to stay at? I've heard that they have some great ones there, a little bit out on the countryside."

This idea is taken well among most. Some are full booked that weekend and have to stay closer to the city, but it is decided that eight of us will go for it.

Robbie, Sienna, Wrenn, Sam, Tom, Scott, Ella and I. That is going to be quite a weekend.

Now I just have to get through shooting that scene with Tanner. Luckily I don't have to be stripped down all the way today, as I'm wearing some of the sexy underwear again. I still feel really naked in front of Tanner and the crew. The red underwear isn't the most covering underwear I've seen.

Finally. after an agonizing one and a half hour, we're let go.

The worst part about work right now is that Tom and I don't have any scenes together at the moment. So we hardly see each other at work. And even as frustrating as it was to have scenes with him and not be able to touch him like I wanted to, I miss that too.

Luckily we have tonight.


Tom and I end up making lasagna together, whilst talking about high and low. He asks me whether I'm excited to see my family again, which I of course kind of am, although as I admit; It is with a bitter taste, that I have to face them. All things considered.

After we've eaten, Tom's phone suddenly rings. He looks at the screen. "Its my mum." he says lightly, before answering.

"Hello, mum."

I can't hear the other end of the line, only guess what she's saying based off of Tom's replies. He has such a positive and light tone and it amazes me, the way he is so caring and polite with his mom.

Suddenly he puts her on speaker, giving me a quick glance and a smirk. He is looking something up on his phone while talking to her. She has a warm and welcoming voice, that's the best way to describe it.

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