44. "My girl"

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New part, finally! Sorry it took long, again<3 Thank you for voting and commenting! Ily<3 I always look forward to reading your comments:D


I'm very nervous about today, but also really excited. Haley, Ella and I get ready together and start opening a couple of beers to ourselves.

"You going to be alright, seeing Tom and stuff?" Ella asks directly, after handing me my bottle.

I notice the glance Haley sends her. She doesn't want Ella to make me think about it. I try hard not to smile and give anything away. If they only knew how wrong they were about everything...

"Yeah." I nod.

"Even if he has a date or something?" Ella continues.

"Ella..." Haley sighs.

I am his date... secret date. I try hard not to smile again.

"Yeah, I should try to move on, shouldn't I?" I shrug. Lies.

"Oh my god, I have an idea!" Ella exclaims, jumping to her feet.

I raise a brow. "What?" Haley looks at her with a just as confused expression.¨

"Haley and I have to find you someone. A rebound."

"I like that idea!" Haley agrees.

Oh god, this is not going to end well... "Uhm... no, guys I..."

"Oh, come on, you need this." Haley nudges me. "We'll find someone nice, polite and hot for you."

"I don't think that..."

"Girl..." Ella interrupts me. "You need to get laid."

"Wow, ouch" I chuckle.

"Harsh, Ella, but I agree." Haley nods.

I try to convince them that it isn't a good idea, but my two girlfriends have already made up their minds. They have a plan for this night, and that is to find me a rebound... God, how is this going to go?

We finally get there, everyone has already been assigned different entrances, to avoid the press as best as we can. Haley, Ella and I enter through a parking house.

The hotel we are at is really beautiful. The corridors are carpeted, silencing the clicking of our heels once we walk in. The white walls are covered with gold decorations, creating a warm contrast to the clean vibe. We follow the sound of the music, finding our way into the hall. Both Ella and Haley have already had a fair amount of alcohol, whilst I've tried to keep it to a minimum. I really don't want to get drunk today.

"Hello, there girls." a familiar British voice greets us as we enter the big hall. I look up to meet those beautiful blue eyes. As always those are the first thing I get lost in. I fight the urge to throw myself at him as I eye him up and down. A dark blue suit, over a lighter blue shirt. All shades of every color look good on that man...

"Hi, Tom.." Ella and Haley reply in unison.

I nod: "hi..."

We exchange a quick, but knowing glance, before he speaks again.

"Come on in."

As soon as Tom is waved over by someone else, and leaves us, Ella and Haley turn to me. "You good?"

"Yes." I sigh. "Don't worry."

"We always do." Haley smiles tangling her arm in mine. Ella takes my other arm. "Always will."

We grab a couple of drinks, meeting several actors and actresses. Chatting away with some of them.

"Oh, I just remembered!" A visibly drunk Ella exclaims. How she's gotten to that state already, I have no idea.

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