14. First-kisses and a lot of tension

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I'm very busy doing scenes before lunch. I have one scene at the brothel with some of the others who work there and a buyer, then I do a scene with Tanner, which is rather short. We also have time for a scene I'm doing with Ella. When lunch time comes I'm pretty tired, but at least this means I have some free time after lunch before the last scene.

I get seated between Haley and Wrenn, opposite of Tom at lunch. Tanner, Robbie, Sam, Sienna and Ella is also here.

"Busy day?" Sam asks me.

"Yup, already done three scenes..." I sigh.

I'm silently eating my wrap as I listen to their conversation. Somehow it's gone from who they'd love to work with in the future to first kisses and kissing-scenes.

"I can't even remember my first kiss" Tanner laughs. "I remember my first on-screen though, but it was no tongue, almost just a peck."

Sienna giggles. "Not what you'd hoped for, I guess..."

Tanner winks. "Nope, but I've done better ones later so it's all good."

"I remember my first kiss, I think I was eleven or something." Wrenn smiles. "It was sweet and innocent."

Ella joins in. "My first kiss was on-screen for a movie I did. I was 13 and the guy was 15. I was crushing on him, so it was very nerve-wracking..."

"I had my first kiss when I was 12 on my way home from school. It was a dare..." Robbie says. "Sam, what about your first kiss?"

"13 years, summer camp. Quite unpleasant actually. No need to go into details..." He chuckles.

Sienna smiles "My first was on-screen. I think I was 14."

"That's late.." Tanner grins.

Sienna shrugs. "I was shaking because I was so scared."

Tanner turns to Tom. "How about you?"

Tom takes a sip from his water bottle. "Off screen."

"Oh, let me guess!" Sienna almost jumps in her seat.

Tom makes a gesture for her to do so.

"Uhm... 16?" She asks.

"16?! No!" Tom laughs. "I was 10! Yes, 10. Tongues and everything."

Everyone cracks up as he continues: "I had a big crush on her and it eventually happened an autumn night."

"Sounds great" I chuckle.

"Well, what about you, y/n?" Tom raises a brow.

"Probably early." Tanner laughs.

"Nope, pretty late actually." I correct. "I didn't have my first kiss until I was sixteen or something. Guys never really took any interest in me."

"Bullshit..." Tanner shakes his head. "That's not possible."

I look at him. "Well, thank you... But you didn't know me when I was 13, had braces, glasses and was flat as a board."

The others chuckle a bit.

"No, guys weren't interested in me, and I think that image of me stuck with them. My first kiss was at a party. It was my now ex' best friend. He kissed me, I pushed him away, he kissed me again and I slapped him. Great experience."

Now everyone is laughing loudly and I join them.

"How about on-screen?" Robbie asks.

"My first on-screen kiss was here. But seeing as I'm playing a prostitute, I've gotten to a lot in a short time, so I feel like I'm experienced now." I chuckle.

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