32. You'd know.

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Even before I open my eyes, I feel the sharp headache creeping in on me. Yesterday did not do me good...

Oh crap. I open my eyes to find that I'm lying on my side with my arm over Tom's stomach. He's sitting a bit higher up in the bed, looking down at me. Already awake, of course. How the hell is he so hot this early? I'm pretty sure I look awful. His hair is a bit messy and he looks kind of sleepy, but somehow that makes him even hotter.

He slides down turning on his side to me. "Good Morning, beautiful." He says softly stroking my cheek.

"Good morning..." I say back.

"How do you feel?"

"Like I have the worst hangover ever." I sigh rubbing my head.

"Okay, wait here." He replies, getting up. I would watch him, but the sharp light from outside makes me squeeze my eyes shut. Soon I hear him leave the room. I almost drift off back to sleep when it strikes me.

Fuck, what did we do?

Yesterday is a blur, and I don't remember much. Only flashes of stuff crosses my mind when I think back. I don't even remember how we got back here... all I remember is Tom forcing me to drink water.

We didn't... did we? He slept here... I'm not wearing much... Was he? I don't know.

If we... No. I don't have any recollection of it... Fuck, if we had sex for the first time and I don't remember it... I'm not going to forgive myself. That's bad. But I'm afraid...

Tom walks back in with a cup of water, breaking my train of thoughts. "Here you go dear, some aspirin." He hands it to me together with a cup of water. I thank him and swallow it down. Too scared to meet his eyes.

"Just take your time. Go back to sleep if you want." Tom smiles giving me a kiss on the forehead before disappearing out of my room.

Is he leaving? I don't know. I don't think he is. My mind goes back to what the hell happened last night. To distract myself I pick up my phone to go through it. Jocie has sent me a lot of texts. I can't deal with that right now, but I do scroll through tiktok. My for you page is full of content about me, tom, me and tom and our series. I still get a lot of edits of the two of us up and also a lot of screenshots of the rumors about us. People are really going off about it too. Some girls are posting videos where they're talking about their theories about us and a couple of videos are just people talking about how wrong it is. I hear the muffled sounds of Tom and Haley's voices from the kitchen.

A delicious smell is starting to appear. Did he... I finally pull myself together and get out of bed. After just changing into a shorts and an over-sized t-shirt I walk out.

Tom and Haley are laughing about something. He is cooking pancakes while Haley is cleaning the mess they've made. My lips part slightly in surprise.

"Hey, darling." Tom smiles when seeing me.

I smile back, feeling that familiar warm feeling spread through my body again. My worries seem a bit smaller now, watching him.

"Betting you feel quite shitty today, huh?" Haley chuckles.

"Yup" I nod, sitting down on the other side of the kitchen island. "Where's Ella?"

"She went home with some guy..." Haley smirks. "Got a text from her just minutes ago, and she's on her way."

"Oh really? What guy?"

"I have no idea." Haley says putting the milk back in the fridge. "How's your hangover?"

"I have the worst headache, and... I don't remember much.. from yesterday." I glance over to Tom as I say it. Scared to see his reaction, but still unable not to. It's not too bad though. Actually it doesn't seem like he thinks too much about it.

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