37. Notting Hill and a perfect day

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Had to split this chapter, lol. It's still very long... Enjoy! Next one will be out soon! <3
Ty for reading and voting. Also your comments make my day, ily<3


"Good morning, darling..." A soft yet a bit hoarse voice says. I feel his lips pressed to my forehead as I open my eyes to be blinded by the brightness of the room. The sun is shining through the skylight windows, giving it a golden glow, although the room itself is white and neat.

"Did you sleep well?" His eyes are crinkled into a smile. He is on all four over me, and as soon as I meet his eyes, I can't help but smile myself. It's hard to keep the eye contact though, seeing as he is shirtless and only in a pair of grey sweatpants.

"Better than in a while." I sigh lightly, placing one hand on his neck. He rests his forehead to mine, closing his eyes.

I only vaguely remember getting to bed last night, after Tom showed me to the room. I was so exhausted. I'm pretty sure this is a guest room and Tom didn't sleep here with me, though... Suddenly a nagging feeling starts to grow in my stomach. He definitely didn't sleep here, because I remember waking up alone some time in the middle of the night. My thoughts are pushed away when he gently presses his lips to mine. Instead the butterflies in my stomach moves again.

Suddenly a brown bundle jumps onto me, starting to lick my shoulder and face. I try to sit up as I laugh.

"Bobby..." Tom tries to be strict but breaks into a laughter as well.

"Hi there!" I say to the dog and pat him to make him stop licking me. "Aren't you a cute one?"

"He is, but he's not really allowed to be on the beds..." Tom chuckles.

"Doesn't seem like you mind too much?" I smile.

"No, but others might." He shrugs, patting Bobby as well now.

"He wasn't here last night, right?" I ask, suddenly unsure about how present I was if I didn't even notice a dog running around.

"No... no." Tom chuckles. "Emma watched him. She'll pick him up again after she's ran a few errands."

"Ahaa." I smile. "You're such a cutie Bobby, I've been looking forward to meeting you..."

"You have?" Tom smirks, leaning closer.

I nod and give the dog a kiss on the head. "Of course." Bobby answers by licking my cheek, close to my mouth.

"Okay, Bobs! Time to back off, she's mine." Tom chuckles, pushing him away. Bpbby gives him a look as he jumps off the bed, walking slowly and reluctantly away. I would laugh if I wasn't too stunned by Tom's words. They make my stomach bubble with happiness. Yes, he did just joke with the dog... But... She's mine.

Tom leans back onto me giving me a soft kiss. "Time for some breakfast, maybe?"

I pull him back down, opening my mouth a bit more to deepen the kiss. "Soon..." I mumble.

"Now, now, darling..." He chuckles into my mouth as I try to pull him more onto me. "We've waited this long, we can wait a bit longer, huh?"

"No..." I pout, meeting his eyes. "I want you... Now"

Tom sighs and bites his lip. "I want you too, baby..." He whispers, kissing me once more before getting up.

"I'll get ready." I smile waving him off. I'm not able to tear my eyes away from his bare back though.

As I get up my mind goes back to last night. I haven't been that level of tired and exhausted in a while. I think the relief I felt also made me allow myself to relax more, making me sleepy. I almost fell asleep on the sofa cuddled up with him.

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