33. If that's what you want...

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Another long chapter:D Thank you all for reading, voting and commenting❤️
Also I've already started writing the next chapter, so it hopefully won't be too long to wait! Ily

I'm actually really nervous to get back to set and meet everyone again. It's probably just me overthinking... but I'm still sure I'm going to get comments about it. And I keep thinking, what if anyone else saw me and Tom...? What if Wrenn told anyone?

It's only Saturday, but considering we had the day off yesterday and I had that horrible hangover the entire day, it really feels like Monday today. I'm dragging myself out of bed, getting my clothes on and eating breakfast, still half asleep. Haley and Ella are just the same, we don't talk until we've all eaten and had our coffee.

We get to set, and everyone is sitting outside by the tables. "Hey girls." Robbie greets us.


Tom gives me a smile from across the table as we get seated, and I automatically smile broadly back. I'm still prepared for the comments. I glance over at Wrenn who's frowning at me.

"So, y/n..." Sienna smirks. God, here it comes. "How much did you throw up Thursday?"

I chuckle. "Nothing, incredibly enough."

"That is unbelievable, you were wasted..." Robbie laughs.

"I know." I sigh hiding my face in my hands.

Amy gives me a look. "Yeah, you were talking a lot, had a bit too much maybe..."

I look over at her and Sarah, sitting a bit further down the table. Fuck, I talked to them... But... Sarah was hitting on Tom. Oh god. What did I say to them?

"You weren't the only one though, how in the world did you make it home Ella?" Sam jokes.

Haley smirks: "She didn't..."

"Ooooh, do tell!" Sienna wiggles her eyebrows.

"Oh, it was nothing."

We talk a bit more about the night. Before Amy who's on her phone says: "Oh, y/n and Tom; you apparently have Hollywood's most problematic relationship."

We all look at her, and it goes silent around the table. Robbie leans over her shoulder reading out loud: "Is the rumoured relationship between y/n y/l/n and Tom Hiddleston innocent or as problematic as many fans think it to be?"

"Yeah, it says that there have risen discussions about how wrong it is. Considering how young y/n is and that you're co-stars." Amy shrugs.

"They're just going on about what that "source" said, don't worry..." Sienna sighs.

"Yeah, there's nothing to those rumours. Who would even say that stuff?" Robbie sighs.

"I don't know." Tom shakes his head.

Luckily we change subject pretty quickly.


"Ugh, I can't believe that people are still going on about the rumours about me and Tom..." I sigh. "Who would even do that? Who from set would actually do that?"

"I have no idea..." Ella sighs.

Ella, Haley, Sam and I are the only ones left, since we have another hour before we start shooting.

We talk a bit about how and why anyone would spread the rumours. Sell them to the press... I notice two interns at the table next to us. It's the same boy I've been catching staring at us... and a girl. They are definitely listening, as she leans towards the boy whispering something.

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