50. Caught

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It's closing in on the premiere terrifyingly fast. I'm glad to be back in the same pattern and routine with work. Being so busy kind of takes my mind off of that terrible fight with my family. I haven't spoken to either of them, and I don't plan to for a while. Save mom.

The thing that is not so great about being this busy is that it means less time with Tom. Just as last week it is killing me. We haven't even gotten to talk alone, only over phone. It's Wednesday today, and Tom and I do actually have a scene together, after lunch, though it is just a dialogue.

It's lunchtime, and seeing as the weather is great, we sit outside by the tables. Almost everyone is here, yet Tom is still shooting. I notice all the glances exchanged between Ella and Scott. Is there something going on there? He says something funny making Ella laugh convincingly. God... She isn't starting to like him for real now, is she? She can't be. I meet Haley's eyes. We're on the same thought.

"You want to join us to the gym after work today, y/n?" Haley asks.

"I can't, I have a phone meeting with my publicists." I sigh. That is a complete lie though. I'm just hoping that Tom has no plans, so we have some time together. I need that.

"Ah okay." Haley nods.

"We will go straight to the gym then, right?" Ella asks Haley.

"Yup, I remembered my gym bag today, actually." She chuckles.

I'm starting to grow unfocused. When will Tom come to lunch?

Finally I see the beautiful figure walking over towards our table. Our eyes meet for a short second. Just this, filling me with warmth. He is talking to Jeffrey, but soon enough Jeffrey dismisses him, walking in the opposite direction. Wrenn, who is to my left, scooches over, making room for Tom between us. I internally thank her.

He brushes into me as he sits down, and I have to control myself so I don't close my eyes to enjoy the feeling of him next to me. What makes it even harder is his smell... How does he smell so fucking good all the time? I'm almost unable to concentrate on the conversations over the table. Having our thighs pressed against each other is extremely distracting. Therefore I don't even notice Sam speaking to me.

"Y/n??" Scott laughs, pulling me back to reality.

"Yeah, what?"

The others laugh. "Tired?" Sienna asks.

I nod. "Kind of."

"I just asked if you know any more about that short movie you're starring in." Sam repeats.

"Uhm, yes." I nod. "I have a meeting with the directors, and most of the crew I think, tomorrow afternoon. I think my co-star will be there too, so I'll get to meet him. They wanted to know how our chemistry were. Considering the..." I take a breath. "Intimacy of the film."

"Exciting though!" Robbie smiles.

"It is, but I'm kind of nervous."

"Understandable." Haley nods. "You have no idea who you will be starring against?"

"Nope, they haven't given me a lot to go on, only that he is a well known actor."

"Oooh, mysterious!" Sienna smiles. "What if it is DiCaprio?!"

"Isn't he a bit old?" Scott frowns.

"He is like 45, that's not too bad?" Ella shrugs.

"No, but I thought with the plot of the movie..?" Scott and the others look at me. They actually don't know what the movie is about.

"It's about the challenges and struggles of a relationship and how to find back to the love created between them." I explain. "Mostly portraying the emotional, intimate and physical aspect of it, when two people grow in different directions."

Inhaled - Tom HiddlestonWhere stories live. Discover now