31. Too much to drink

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"Good morning y/n!" Sam and Robbie greets me as I walk into the common room.

"Hey guys" I say back, my eyes immediately searching for those familiar blue beautiful eyes. He's not here.

Ella and Haley are looking at something on Ella's computer, and Scott is all hung up in his phone. Which reminds me of how insanely my phone's been blowing up since yesterday. I eventually turned off my notifications. I didn't want to put myself through seeing everyone's reaction to these new rumours from that anonymous source just yet. The thought makes my head boil. Who is that source? My immediate thought is Sam... He walked in on us, he seemed a bit... upset about it? He even gave me that encrypted warning... But at the same time, he's so nice and honest. I can't really picture him doing something like that. But it has to be him. Doesn't it?

As I pick up my phone I see another lost call from Jocie. She's also been calling me non stop, but I've ignored it. I will call her back... Just not yet. I don't want her to yell at me.. And then I have to come up with new excuses, explanations and... lies...?

I'm still in the doorway when a very familiar, deep and comfortable British voice behind me exclaims: "Oh, come on guys... Have you had a look outside? It's a magnificent day! The weather is outstanding, you can't be sitting inside now..."

I know he's behind me, and I haven't even seen him yet, but... His voice alone makes me bubble and this smile forces it's way onto my face. A mutter of agreement arises from the group, as they all get up. Everyone makes their way towards us and I turn around to Tom. Finally finding what my eyes have been longing for since I last saw him yesterday. Yesterday...

He has an upward curl of his lips. "Good morning, darling.." Tom lowers his voice. The rasp in it makes goosebumps run down my back and as he places his hand on my arm, it's like all my senses are heightened.

"Hey..." I smile back, unable to get anything else out and all while the blush spreads throughout my cheeks.

My mind keeps reminding me of the last time his hands were on me... Just the thought about yesterday gets me flustered. What it felt like kissing him so intensely, his hands tenderly undressing me... What it felt like touching him, making him moa.... Fuck, I can't keep thinking about this. I focus on his face again, but the smug smirk on it tells me he knows exactly what I was thinking.

"You guys coming?" Scott calls for us and we both look up. Everyone else is already outside. Tom too, gets a little hot around the ears as his hand falls from my arm and we walk out after them.

It really is a beautiful day. Hotter than it's been in a while, and the sun is warming our skin. I notice a couple of young interns seated on the bench right beside us. They keep glancing over at us all the time. Interested, almost intimidated. At second thought, they're probably my age or older even... Especially one guy keeps glancing nervously at us. I don't know why, but I feel like they're listening to us. Maybe they are, it doesn't really matter. I kind of feel sorry for the guy. He seems so insecure. Like he doesn't fit in here. 

Wrenn pulls my attention back: "So what will you guys be doing for our week off?"

We have one and a half week left of shooting before we get an entire week free, which is insane. After that it's not long till the premiere of the first episode. I find it a bit strange that we're premiering that before we're even done shooting season one, but I guess I'll have to trust the process.

"I'm going to: just. chill." Ella sighs leaning her head in her hands. Her expression making giggles go through the rest of us.

"Sounds like a plan." Robbie sighs. "I have to get back to wife and child, going to spend every minute with them."

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