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Yoongi didn't move from his spot, he tried to hold back his tears as much as possible but no to avail. A drop of tear escaped from his eye as he heard Taehyung breathing heavily. He wiped his tears and turned back at Taehyung, with his same dull face and eyes filled with hatred.

"And so?" Yoongi replied,but Taehyung's mouth was open and tears kept on falling. "Stop messing around with me. You're a man and I'm a man, do you think it's possible? And even if it was the man I'd fall in love could never be you."

"Y-yoongi-ah.."Taehyung said,"What should I do?You're the only one.."

"Um, excuse me?" They both suddenly heard someone say and looked at the way the voice came from, there stood the palace doctor Jungkook,some inches away. His face lit up as he saw Yoongi there. Yoongi's mouth was open wide too. "Yoongi Hyung!" He came running to Yoongi and pulled him into a tight embrace.

Meanwhile, Taehyung's tears had dried and he was totally confused. Why was Yoongi being hugged by another man?

Jungkook let got of Yoongi and locked his hands tightly with his. Yoongi was still dumbfounded and confused. Taehyung's eyes narrowed to their hands. He felt something tingling in his stomach but couldn't explain what.

"Jungkook-ah..you ..you're here? How are yo—"

Only then Jungkook  noticed Taehyung standing there,a mixed emotion of rage and confusion on his face. Jungkook immediately bowed to Taehyung. "Forgive my impudence, my lord. I was just too happy to see my friend so I couldn't see you were right here."

"FRIEND?" Taehyung's eyes widened, "Yoongi you—"

Jungkook interrupted."My lord,pray forgive me cutting you off like this, but may I please take this fellow with me?I've missed him dearly."

Yoongi looked at Jungkook with fond eyes but Taehyung clicked his tongue. "Whatever."

"Thank you very much my lord!" Jungkook bowed aggressively  then glanced at Yoongi and clutched his hands. He had turned around to go when suddenly he felt a pull from behind.

Taehyung was holding Yoongi's other hand to stop them from leaving. Jungkook cursed mentally.

"My lord?"Jungkook said through gritted teeths. "What are you doing? Please let go of Hyung's wrist."

"Don't want to." Taehyung replied. "What? What are you going to do about it?"

"My lord this isn't right!" Jungkook pulled Yoongi to his side,but there was another pull from Taehyung. "Who are you to teach me what is right and wrong?"Taehyung replied.

Yoongi was getting exhausted.

"Let go."Taehyung growled. "Aren't you letting go?!"

"I will not!"Jungkook replied. "He's my friend!"

"SHUT UP BOTH OF YOU AND LET ME GO!" Taehyung and Jungkook jumped to their feets when they suddenly heard Yoongi yell. They've completely forgotten that they've been pulling Yoongi from one side to another. Both of them let go of Yoongi's wrist at once.

"You little nutjob of a prince and you doctor moron!What do you think I'm? A doll?!Why are you pulling me like that!"Yoongi yelled and pointed at them both and they heard him complain with bowed head but still throwing piercing looks at each other. "STOP GLOWERING AT EACH OTHER I SAID!"

Yoongi sighed. "Get back to your work Prince. And you,follow me. You need a good beating you little shit."Yoongi caught Jungkook's wrist and dragged him with himself. Taehyung looked at Jungkook through gritted teeth.

Jungkook looked over his shoulder and winked at Taehyung, indicating he had won this time. And with that they disappeared behind the houses of the place.

prince's affection [TAEGI]  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now