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Taehyung doesn't remember disobeying his father in any way possible. He learnt music because his father told him to, he studied hard because his father wanted him to be a bright schooler and of course, he learnt sword art and self defense even if that was a bit tricky and tough to him, he didn't once complain about it. He never did.

There were so many questions in the back of his head when he was at a legal age, where the nation's queen was and why was his big brothers were suddenly sent to the west? Things like that would corrupt his mind and make a blurry image of a beautiful woman smiling down at him. That woman, though being a mirage consistently visited Taehyung at night and somehow, made him feel more relaxed than any real human made of flesh and bone had ever had.

It was as though he was going crazy until he decided to let himself out of the suffocating palace to get a fresh breath of air in his lungs.

And that's how he ended up meeting the man, Yoongi.

For as long as Taehyung can recall he never regretted any moment he had spent with the smaller male and if he was to be honest, Yoongi made him feel so safe that staying discrete from him felt like a constant stomach ache on the pit on his stomach. Not a good feeling, to put it simply.

And that was why he has decided to visit his father today no matter what it costed him. He needs to be disowned? It won't be easy, but he can afford it as long as he'll have Yoongi by his side. The worse scenario that can happen is him being ending up beheaded,

Taehyung shuddered but continued to tie the belt on his stomach carefully, not to move too much and open the fresh wound on his back. It was still throbbing and he was sure if he moved too much it'll tear open again.

Taehyung opened the wooden door with a smooth sliding noise and closed it back just as quietly, not to drag attention towards him or meet anyone who's familiar with him.

But, indubitably, his luck had to go to a faraway vacation today. As he took not even two steps towards his destination he was met with the crowned prince, his expression radiating anger and annoyance.

"Oh?" Seokjin approached him in a subtle manner, his eyes turning from fierce to worry in a flash of moment. "Taehyung-ah, are you okay? Your wound...I believe it's still not healed yet? Then why are you-"

"I have to visit Father, hyung." Taehyung spoke, Jin noticed just how serious the man's face looks right now. "Something important to discuss. And yeah my wound's healing well. How about you?"

"Good." Jin shrugged slightly. "Even so, please be careful not to tear your wound again. It'll be painful if that happens."

Taehyung nodded weakly. "Then, please excuse me."

Jin takes a quick glance at Taehyung trudging towards the king's chamber — and for a brief moment his lips twitched into a small smile, eyes filled with admiration for his little brother.

Taehyung has grown up.


The king had just lay down on his bed when the guards outside annouced the arrival of Taehyung, followed by a thud and Taehyung himself moments after. Even though the king had forbidden any presence at this moment.

"We need to talk." Taehyung says with a poker face, his tone too informal and straightforward for a conversation among royals.

For a moment his father stared at him in disbelief. Taehyung was a wrecked version of himself. His hair dissolved and his attire disarranged. He didn't look prince-like at all.

His father takes a deep breath and fights the urge to facepalm in frustration. "I'm not talking to you in this.. with you looking a complete mess." The sentences were jumbled up. "Go get yourself clean and tidy if you want to—"

prince's affection [TAEGI]  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now