S2: Chapter 4. [🔞- part 1]

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The trip is exhausting, to say the least.

Seokjin chose the best stallions for the trip, which would count as the best and worst decision at the same time. While the horses galloped through the forests, urban villages relentlessly without so much as showing any signs of fatigue whatsoever— the four of them hardly found time to catch a breather.

Jungkook had it especially tough with Seokjin's hot breath brushing against his nape, or sometimes his cheek. Jungkook would find his breath catching in his throat whenever Seokjin would lean closer to his ear and ask with a raspy voice added to it a fusion of uneven breathing,"Are you holding up alright there?"

Well, he is but he might just faint from the way Seokjin's hand's brushing against his waist once in a while.

"I think I can see an inn from here.''Ejun says, slowly tugging the reins back for the horse to stop, Seokjin follows suit, strongly gripping the reins so that Jungkook would be able to lean on his arms for balance. "Should I go and check it out first?"

"Alone?"Seokjin arched a brow at her,"absolutely not. I'm coming along."

Ejun tensed,"B-but your majesty! We can't leave Jungkook-ssi and Shin here alone. You know they won't be able to protect themselves—"

"Excuse you."Shin interrupted, elbowing Ejun hard in her stomach. "Your majesty, I'm very much capable of protecting Jeon Jungkook-ssi. You can rest assured and accompany this utter fool lest she picks a fight with random drunkards and ruins our entire plan."

Ejun groans,"Here we go again."

Shin glared at her,"You started this, you absolute bimbette, frivolous woman."

"Bimbette? What the heck is that even supposed to mean?!"Ejun furrowed her brow,"are you really making up insults because you're running out of names to call me?"

"Kim Ejun,"Shin turned around, glaring daggers at the woman, making the bigger woman flinch back a little,"must you make me resort to violence?"

Ejun faltered, rubbed her neck in a nervous manner, then silently got down from the horse without another word. Jungkook smiles, Shin may be smaller in size compared to Ejun, but he's got her wrapped around his tiny little fingers.

"Then, please stay put here until we make sure that it's safe to spend the night here."Seokjin says to Jungkook, more like requests him, then nods to Shin one last time before they make their way towards the inn.

It wasn't a civilised place. The town was small, with it mostly being filled with small bars and rundown Kisaeng houses. Seokjin wonders if that was even legal. Those girls hadn't even hit their prime yet, they're basically children.

Ah, it's hard to turn a blind eye to things like these.

"...lord! My lord!"

Seokjin snaps out of it, looks at Ejun and blinks,"Yes?"

"I was saying this place looks too shady to be your regular inn.''Ejun says, eyeing the drunkard men everywhere putting their hands all over the underage Kisaengs. She puts her hands on her hips and sighs. "I'd hate to bring Shin here, damn it."

Seokjin scoffs. "Aren't you the woman among you two?"

"Yes, but if you put me and him beside each other they'd quite literally mistake him for the woman and take him instead."Ejun facepalms,"and he's much prettier than me. You know what I mean—"

"Yes, yes, our strong, tall woman Ejun. I get it."

Ejun chuckles,"My lord—"

"Excuse me, gentlemen~"

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