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(a little minor warning before you read. there's a part here where misgendering takes place so pls skip the part if you're uncomfortable! i know a lot that are uncomfy with misgendering and yes tbh i am too. i do not support it. hope you don't misunderstand bc this is all a pov from a lowly man in Joseon period 😭.)

"hmm.." the king sings as he puts down the cup on the table,"and so?"

"So I was saying." Taehyung said through gritted teeth,"that partly, I'm at fault for the doctor Jungkook's kidnapping so,I,as the prince of this nation should take responsibility and-"

"and? go out there by yourself?" He snorted. Taehyung clenched his jaw and his grip on his knees became tighter. "Be reasonable boy! What good do you think it would do to the guards out there who are trying to save him? I would say it was good that he got kidnapped instead of you, at least you're safe-"

Taehyung smashed his fists on the table, making his father flinch suddenly.

"That scared me-"

"What did you just say?" Taehyung hissed, scowling at his father,"it was good that he got kidnapped? I was already dying of guilt now you say this..do you not have an ounce of shame father?"

"You little what are you-"

"I won't listen to you anymore." Taehyung said. "I'm going to save him and that's it. Disown me or do whatever you want. I do not care."

The king sighed. "Alright! I get it. You're doing this out of guilt, after all. Go. But i do not want your identity revealed or you're going to be sent to Nokseodang the moment you get back. Got it?"

Taehyung gulped. Nokseodang was the last place he would want to get trapped in..but.. someone's life depends on this and he just can't let it be.

Taehyung nodded. "Got it, father."


Yoongi was standing outside of the palace at the exact time they had planned to meet with Jimin, waiting for Taehyung's arrival.

"Do you think the king would let him go that easily though?"Jimin asked, having doubts. "I mean, let's be honest. The doctor was kidnapped in the first place because they mistook him for Taehyung, so do you think his father would let him go just because he asked him to?"

Yoongi nodded, biting his bottom lip softly. "I-I don't know Jimin..."

Jimin blinked. "Do you think I'd do any good to you guys there?" Jimin said, fondling with his hands. "I-I mean.. I'm not really good at fighting and stuff so...won't I just be a burden to you guys?"

"Jimin." Yoongi started. "It's not time to feel insecure. If you're so, then just don't come. It's about someone's life or death here, be mature for once."

Jimin opened his mouth to say something but thought better of it. He stayed silent. After all he wasn't wrong...

"Hey!" They heard Taehyung's voice right after, running towards them with a small bag on his back. "I'm sorry I'm late."

"Good thing you're here." Yoongi said, "now please lead the way quickly."

Taehyung nodded and they immediately started walking, followed by him.


"Here,"Taehyung handed Yoongi the water he'd brought with himself, all of them were sweating under the moonlight, worn out from the long walk of hours. If they could guess it must be past midnight and they were nowhere near the destination.

"We just need to walk a bit more...." Taehyung stopped,"or maybe a bit more than a bit more."

"What the heck are you exactly trying to say?" Jimin complained, too tired to tolerate shit.

prince's affection [TAEGI]  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now