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[⚠️:sexual assault, violence.]

The dungeons were as worse as Yoongi expected. No lights to pass through,dirty floors and dirty walls, with practically no food and water— for him, specifically.

It was unbearable, but he trusted Taehyung. He trusted himself,too. He knows he will get out of here. It's only been a day or two...Yoongi couldn't even guess if it was day light or night fall so he wasn't sure how many days it has been but if he's correct, the guards come once in the dungeons a day to provide food and water for all the people in there, if he had calculated correctly it's been 2 days.

2 damn days.

And he already wishes he could break open the fucking gates and run to Taehyung. It hurts so much, more than his sore body and wounds around his lips, it hurts to think that Taehyung might be going through something worse out there with his father. That fucking king.

He wishes he could kill him. With his bare hands.

"Hey you there." A huge man on the same dungeon as Yoongi called him. Yoongi glanced at the other men, they had smirks on their faces. "Why are you always at the corner like that?"

"None of your fucking business." Yoongi mumbled. He was scared, yes, anyone would be. They were huge and the marks on their faces and body was enough to tell that they weren't any amature murders.

"What did you say, sissy?" He said as the place went dead drop silence.

Yoongi grabbed the dagger that he managed to sneak in with him somehow. His hands were shaking.

Yoongi stood up, facing the men who was some inches away from him. He grabbed the dagger with shaking hands as he went 'woah'.

"Hah?" He scoffed. "You gonna kill me with that knife,boy?"

"Don't you fucking dare come closer. I'll kill you."Yoongi said, looking up at the man.

"Try." He caught hold of  Yoongi's wrist and poked the dagger in his chest, which had no effect on him at all. "These things don't hurt me."

And then, his wrist were twisted in a way which made him drop the knife from his hands. The guy threw him towards the wall, smashing his head behind, Yoongi fell down on the dirty floor.

He coughed. "Stop, please -"

He grabbed Yoongi's chin and made him look at his face. Yoongi tried hard not to cry from the sheer pain in the back of his head.

"I heard what you did...what made you end up in this hell hole."He licked his lips, Yoongi widened his eyes, struggling to get away.

"Boss give us a chance too!"

"Yeah, we deserve a chance too!"

He laughed. "Tch. With the prince, of all people?"

"N-no.." Yoongi caught hold of his hands with his two hands. "Let me go... motherfucker..."

Yoongi felt a sharp pain in his cheeks, a burning feeling made him realise that he had been slapped across his face.

"Know your place." He said.

"My place.." Yoongi spat the blood out, then looked straight into the man's eyes. "It should be you who should learn his place."

"You have got quite the sharp tongue, don't you? you little nasty men whore."

"I do." He said and bit the man's hands with full force, making him retreat as his hands started to bleed from his sharp teeth. "I've got sharp teeths, too."


He caught Yoongi by his neck and smashed him against the wall, again. "I'm gonna fuck you so hard that you won't be able to walk for the rest of your life."

prince's affection [TAEGI]  ✔️Where stories live. Discover now