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Back to the view of Y/N. Full of headache, you slowly stood up and looked around where you were, while rubbing your eyes. "Where am I?" When you realized, you were lying in your bed. Someone must have carried you here, when Ni-ki almost drained the blood from you. It's morning. If one of them might be already awake, you were not sure.

You let out a sigh, as the cellphone of your began to rang, observing it before reaching to answer it.

📱: ❝Hello?❝

📱: ❝Hi Y/N, It's me.❞ Spoke the voice.

📱: ❝Oh, Hey Ryujin what's up?❞ You asked curiously, while waving a strand of your hair around.

📱: ❝It's about today. You will surely come to work, won't you?❞

📱: ❝Work?! Wait, which date do we have?❞ You started to panic inside.

Ryujin scoffed. 📱: ❝Don't tell me you forgot about that. And today is Saturday the 30th of September, gurl.❞

📱:❝Shoot, I almost forgot.❞

📱:❝However, when will you be there? I need to know.❞

You glanced at your watch. "Almost eight. What am I supposed to do now? No, how am I supposed to get there?"

📱:❝Hello? Y/N, are you still there? I need your answer.❞ She said impatiently.

📱:❝Don't worry. I'll be there in a jiffy.❞ You laughed into the phone like a madman.

📱:❝Okey? See you then, she said before hanging up.

Desperately, you threw your phone on the bedspread and grabbed the pillow to cry out for a moment. After that, you felt a little better.

You can hardly turn to anyone. They are certainly all busy or some are still asleep. You got up from your bed, stretching your arms and legs, while opening the door to the bathroom, to get ready for work.

Observing yourself in the mirror, made you wince in pain, as you removed your hair to the side, just to see that there were two small dots. Anger was building up in your body. "I'll have a word with him." Ni-ki almost sucked your blood out.

After that, you went outside and rummaged around in the hallway. Come to think of it. These pictures must have been somewhere, in fact of the woman and of your aunt.

Thinking about it wouldn't do anything, since you have to go to work now anyway. Even though you haven't been in this mansion that long, you still don't seem to know, where the exit door is, which made you groan in frustration.

Y/N had to try to solve it herself, but she didn't know how. It hurts to think about what you've seen over and over again. Why she kept that from you for life.

You didn't even know if you could control your emotions in the current situation. You also had to think about the book all the time. After all, don't forget that you're here for something else too.

All the pondering had put you in deep thought, that you didn't realize you were bumping against someone. You tried to keep your balance so that you didn't fall backwards.

❝Always careful,❞ said the voice. When you looked at him, your eyes merged with him for a brief moment. It was Sunwoo.

❝I'm sorry,❞ you said and bent over before you wanted to walk further, but before that happened, he grabbed you by the hand.

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