3 Simple Rules (Reggie Peters x reader) [MUSICAL THEATER AU]

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Request: can you do 15 with reggie peters pls❤️

Prompt/summary: [Musical Theater AU] Reader has to explain the three simple rules of the theater to Reggie. (And also help him out of trouble)

Word Count:

Authors note: From my AU prompt list on Tumblr!


There were three rules that came with being in the theater department at Los Feliz High School.

Rule One: No talking in the wings.

From the moment I met my co-star Reggie Peters at auditions, I knew he was going to be a pain to work with.

For example, he did not prepare an audition song. Instead, he broke out a guitar and took a request from Mrs. Harrison and wowed with his impressive vocals instead. His lines were half memorized and his wardrobe was not fit for the dance portion of the audition.

For Christs sake we're doing NEWSIES!

The rehearsal period was over a month long and every week about thirty students crammed into the auditorium to relentlessly rehearse and prepare for opening night.

My character, Katherine, didn't dance much other than in King of New York. The big tap dance number I had to master next week.

A lot of my time was spent waiting in the wings for my next cue. Unfortunately, so was Reggie's.

"Wait was that my cue?"

"SHHHHH!" I said, looking anxiously to see if the stage manager on the other side of the stage heard us.

"Oh come on," he said, "they can't hear me over the music."

I rolled my eyes before grabbing his hand and dragging him to the hallway of dressing rooms right behind the stage.

"Do you seriously not know anything?"

He looked at me confused.

"The rules of being in theater?" I said, when he shrugged I continued, "One, no talking in the wings. Two, no eating or smoking in costume. And three, always show up early or else you're late."

"I didn't think this was that serious."

I scoffed, "Why did you even sign up for this?"

He shrugged, "Mrs. Harrison cornered me in English and said she needed someone who could actually sing for Jack Kelly."

I rolled my eyes, "You better keep your mouth clean. I don't want to have to kiss someone who's breath stinks every weekend."

Suddenly, the door we just came out popped open.

"(Y/N)! It's almost your cue! Reggie, what are you doing out here?" Julie whispered.

"Nothing. Let's go Reginald."

"It's Reggie!"

Rule 2: No eating in costume

The snack table near the dressing room was kept stocked with lots of different things, and it was meant for those out of costume or stagehands since we didn't get to eat dinner until afterwards on show nights.

I'd never been a stickler about eating in costume considering I've done it myself numerous times. At least I was always careful about it though, putting on a jacket or blanket over me to keep stains from getting on the meticulous costumes our school would make.

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