Nap Time (Reggie Peters x reader)

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Request: (wattpad @_tubb0) I was wondering if you could maybe do a Reggie x Sick Reader, where Reggie tales care of the reader after they get sick from over working. Idk if that makes sense but I hope you get what I mean. I also just wanted to say that I love all the imagines so far and I hope you continue them!

Also if you guys want a request please check my bio to make sure they are open before messaging me! Thanks 💕

Prompt/summary:  Reggie takes care of a sick, overworked reader

Word Count: 529

Authors note: Sorry this is a short one! This one really called me out cause I've been stretching myself out trying to keep up with everything. I hope you guys aren't doing the same. I love you guys!

He could tell she was exhausted from the moment she walked in the door.

Maybe it was the bags under her eyes she tried to hide, or the way she dragged her feet into the garage, but either way he could definitely tell by the frown on her face.

(Y/n) was always excited when she came into band practice, she would sit and edit videos while the band practiced their songs. Reggie would always pay close attention to the look on her face because it would reflect how she felt about the song they were playing. It was something the whole band noticed honestly. Everyone seemed to notice her change in demeanor as she placed the laptop down on the coffee table to flop on the couch while running a hand through her hair.

"Are you okay (Y/n)?" Julie asked.

"Yeah," she sighed, "Just didn't get much sleep last night so I ended up editing that video a day early."

"Wow, good job. You really need to sleep though. Maybe take a nap?"

(Y/n) sat up and grabbed her laptop, "I hate taking naps. They just make me more tired. Besides I'm gonna get a headstart editing the next video."

At the next break he walked over and pulled her into his lap, "How are you feeling?"

"Could be better honestly."

"What's wrong?"

She sighed, "Just tired. My muscles are aching and it feels like I might get a migraine later."

He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear, "You're overworking yourself. You really need to go home and get some rest."

"I don't need it," she huffed, "I'd rather be here with you guys anyways."

He frowned but decided not to say anything. The rest of practice went by and the band could see how (Y/n) didn't react to any of the songs that day, and how she wasn't at practice the next day.

Reggie showed up at her house after the band finished up with the new songs they were working on. He knew (Y/n) probably had her headphones on so he let himself in.


"In here Reg."

He was surprised he got a response, normally she would be six feet deep in editing when she was home. Either that or reading on her phone.

"Are you okay? Weren't at practice today so everyone was worried."

She smiled, "I'm fine Reg just not feeling good."

Reggie took his shoes off before pulling back the covers on her bed and climbing in with her. She immediately cuddled closer to him.

"I think you need a nap."

She groaned loudly.

"I know I know, but you really need one."

She sighed and tucked her head into his shoulder, "I don't want one."

"I'll be here when you wake up, I promise."

She only took a deep breath and hugged him tighter.

Reggie just chuckled and started playing with her hair, using the other hand to rub circles on her back. He waited until her breathing was slowing down and she laid completely still to pull away from the girl. He smiled at his success before brushing some hair out of her face.

"Thought you didn't like naps?"


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