The years (Reggie Peters x reader)

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(Alex x sister!reader, Reggie x reader)
Request: (Wattpad @thelizziebooks ) Can you do one where Alex has a little sister that dies with them and has loved Reggie since they met, but when Alex figures out he doesn't like the idea of his sister dating his best friend?

Word Count: 1,322

Authors note: y'all are so angsty with your requests 😂 I hope y'all enjoy


The year my brother and best friends died, and also the year I died.

After the death of my brother, best friend, and long time crush, I skipped town for a little while. Traveling to see my best friend in her college town. I never forgave my parents for kicking my brother out. I didn't get to see him before he died and that guilt stayed with me. The thought that my brother might hate me for not sticking up for him brought me to tears most nights.

After their death Bobby and I got closer for a while. We recorded a demo under the bands name to honor the boys and we were just starting to get some interest from some record companies. I only wish they could see how far I've come with playing drums and singing.

The drive back to my house was a few hours long, I wasted time listening to my brothers demo and other CD's in my car. Rain started pouring down on the road. My windshield wipers were working hard to keep my sight of the road clear but everything was still blurry.

Everything happened so quick.

The sound of car horns. The squeal of brakes on the wet road. The crunch of metal and crack of glass.

And then suddenly I was floating, then I was gone.


I didn't notice how much time had passed. For a long time I just slept or tried to find a way out of the black room I was in. Or I just sat and thought about how short my life actually was, assuming I was actually dead.

Isn't it supposed to be when you're dead you float around and see your loved ones? If I'm in a coma shouldn't I be hearing things?

Is this purgatory?

Maybe I would see my brother. Maybe I would see Luke and Reggie.

Oh, Reggie.

The last time he and I hung out alone was when we were 12. That was my first kiss. We were under the bleachers of a football game and sharing headphones listening to the Clash and Queen, and then he leaned over and kissed me. I don't know what happened after that, I guess Alex found out and didn't want him seeing me anymore.

My thoughts were confirmed when I came crashing down onto a floor one day. The demo I made with Bobby blaring through speakers. I looked around confused and then I saw a girl sitting on the couch.

"Where am I?" I screeched.

"AHHHH!" She screamed before calming down, "How many ghost am I gonna summon from these CD's?"

I looked at her concerned, "Ghosts?"


I turned around and stopped in my tracks, my mind racing as I looked at the boy in front of me.


He jumped forward and wrapped me in a hug. Tears fell from my eyes as I breathed in the scent I had forgotten so long ago.

"(Y/n)!" I looked up to see Luke and Reggie running forward to tackle us in a group hug.

"Wait, what's going on?" The girl asked.

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