Breathless (Reggie Peters x male!reader)

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Request: (Wattpad @ Calumm_310) dont know if youll take male reader (which is fine if you dont) but can you maybe write a oneshot about Reggie and the reader dating in secret and the boys and Julie catch them being loving or like fluff? (Reader is taller than Reggie)

Prompt/summary:  Reggie and the reader are secretly dating and trying not to get caught by their friends.

Word Count: 1,435

Authors note: I haven't written a male reader before so please don't bully me, but I would love constructive comments cause I really don't like the way I wrote this one. I just don't know how I could make it better lol.


Never trust someone who's smile takes your breath away. The person that can waltz into your life and suddenly you've truly fallen and you don't know what happens.

Definitely never trust someone that you want so badly but can't have.

He saw me in the crowd at one of his concerts. When they saw my instant attraction for the bassist my friends managed to get us invited to the band's after party.The after party was small, outside on the shore of the LA beaches.

I looked out over the ocean, I'd lost track of most of my friends an hour ago so I decided to spend my time looking out towards the setting sun daydreaming to pass the time.

I felt someone sit down beside me.

"Listen if you want someone to drive you home I'm waiting for 3 of my friends who are probably drunk off their asses now. Taxi's are still running."

"I can't just sit and talk to you?" he said.

I looked over at the boy, his black hair was slicked back and leather jacket wrapped around him.

"I didn't say you couldn't, I was just telling you," I said.

He laughed before moving to take his jacket off and laying it on the towel under us.

"So, where you from?" he asked.

"Here, you?"

"Here. What made you come tonight?" he said.

"My friends said they'd find a way to get me laid tonight if I drove them home," I chuckled.

"Do you want that to happen?" he leaned back on his hands and stretched his legs out in front of him.

I scoffed, "Doubt it will."

"You're attractive, I doubt there isn't a girl here who wouldn't be excited to sneak out back with you," he reached over to steal a strawberry off my plate.

"Not the kind of attention I'm looking for tonight," I smacked his hand away from my plate but he triumphantly ate his loot.

I shook my head to look back for my friends, unfortunately I realized how late it had gotten and knew it was time to go find my friends to make sure we get back before parents noticed we were gone. I turned back to the boy that had kept me company for part of the night, "Catch you later?"

"Sure," he handed me a slip of paper, "call me."

I smiled and led my very drunk friends to the car.


I didn't get to call him the next day. That was something my friends kept bugging me about.

"You're going to regret not calling him. A hot guy gave you his number and you're just gonna pass on it?"

"Ally, he was probably drunk. And I'm sure he's straight."

Julie and the Phantoms ImaginesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora