Welcome Home (Julie Molina x reader)

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Request: combining these requests!

- hey could you make a julie x reader oneshot where the band us rehearsing and the reader who had been away for a few months suprises her by coming into the studio or something-

Prompt/summary: Reader comes back to suprise Julie after being away for months

Word Count: 784

Authors note: I never really get tired of writing for Julie


You need to come back before I kill one of these ghost himbos, again

I giggled at the message and started typing under the desk in class.

So you killed them once and are going to kill them again?

No, I simply am going to kill the ghosts that are already dead.

Ah makes sense.

I had moved away from LA for a while after my freshman year. My parents were trying to sort out our living situation and thought moving to a different state for a while would help them figure it out. After much whining on my part I convinced them to move back to the outskirts of LA so I could get back to my school's music program; and Julie.

Julie and I were thick as thieves. Even after her friendship split with Carrie we had all stayed friends. The only person who knew I was coming back tomorrow was Flynn after she swore her silence to me a week ago.

Gotta get back to practice, ttyl love you <3

Love ya too, say hi to the boys for me

I quickly hid the phone before the teacher could see it before going back to work on my math problems.


The drive back to LA was exhausting. Our new home was nice and quaint, only a few blocks away from where Julie and Flynn lived.

My phone buzzed with a text from Flynn.

Are you home yet?

Yeah, just put my stuff in my room. Is tonight's plan still a go?

Yup everything's ready. You should wear that one dress you bought last year at that craft fair, I know Julie loved it.

I smiled and tore open the box with my clothes in them and rummaged around for the dress.

Julie loved how flowy it was, the strawberry's on it really brought out my eyes (or so she said). She was the one that saw it and convinced me to buy it. I threw it on with a pair of black boot before brushing my hair out. It was already six o'clock and their show started at seven thirty so I had to get going.

Flynn dropped by to pick me up.

"(Y/n)!" she yelled as I got in the car, pulling me in for a hug, "It's so good to see you again. We missed you."

"I missed you guys too, band class wasn't the same without you."

"So the bands playing at the cafe tonight, oh she's going to be so excited to see you."

I smiled, "You haven't said anything right?"

"Nope," she said, "I've kept my lips sealed."


The cafe was packed full of people so it made it easy for me to hide myself in the back of the cafe to watch the opening acts.

"And now for our final act, Julie and the fat ones!"

I giggled as the announcer butchered the bands name but cheered as I saw Julie climb up on stage.

"Actually it's Julie and the Phantoms."

As she began to play she caught the attention of a few people around the shop, it wasn't until the chorus came in and the boys appeared on stage that the crowd really got invested.

I cheered as Julie came center stage, she looked gorgeous in her outfit and I couldn't help but pull out my phone and snap some photos of the band.

I saw her walk over to Luke during the bridge, the chemistry Flynn described was definitely there and I couldn't help but wonder if they were more than what Julie had told me.

As the band poofed off the stage the crowd erupted in applause and cheers. I saw Carrie scoff and stalk off with her posse.

Flynn walked to the side of the stage to congratulate her and she saw me start to sneak up behind Julie. I put a finger over my lips.

"You were great!" Flynn said.

"I know it was awesome. I just wish (Y/n) was here though..."

Flynn smiled and looked at me, I lightly tapped Julie's shoulder.

The look on her face is something I will never forget. The excitement and happiness that flashed through her eyes is what I wish I could give her all the time, she looked so beautiful.

"(Y/n)!" she yelled.

I stumbled and giggled as she tackled me in a hug.

I pulled her tightly to me and smiled at Flynn. Mission successful.

Then I felt something on my shoulder, "Jules are you crying?"

"Don't make fun of me!"

"I'm not!" I said pulling back, wiping some tears from her face, "Don't cry!"

I giggled as she smiled and pulled me back into a hug.

"Welcome home."

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