The Stars (Alex Mercer x male!reader)

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Request: (wattpad @ToxicAslyum) A one shot about Alex X Male! Reader, it's like instead of Alex liking Willie he likes the reader, the reader or Alex accidentally bumps into each other and their both shocked they can see each other they start hanging out together and stuff, and you can take it on from there if you'd like. (The reader died one year after the boys due to an accident or something, and the reader has a similar past to Luke's but not the same (Reader ran away after he came out due to his father) and the reader knows how to write songs and sing).

Prompt/summary: Alex meets a strange boy while out exploring.

Word Count: 1,053

Authors note: AHHHHH I'm sorry if this is bad. I always struggle to figure out what I want to do with male reader imagines but hopefully you enjoy!


Alex had been walking around the streets of Hollywood for hours now, watching the people move by and noticing different quirks about different people. He was still getting used to this whole being a ghost thing. Moving through people, walls, and other things was still a shock to him. He had never felt more free yet more anxious before.

Alex turned around to walk backwards to watch as a group of people in costumes walk through him. As he took a few steps back something bumped into him causing him to fall.

"Hey! Watch it."

Alex looked up to see a (Y/h/c) boy staring down at him on the ground with his hands on his hips.

"You... you can see me?"

"Well, yeah," the boy said, sticking his hand out to help Alex up, "You're new to this aren't you?"

"New to what?"

"Being a ghost."

Alex blinked. "Oh, yeah I guess I am."

"When did you die?"


"Oh sweet, that was only a year before I did!" he smiled. Alex thought talking about death days was a little morbid.

Alex only smiled.

"Wait, if you died that long ago, how are you not used to this? It's been 25 years."

Alex sighed, "My friends and I went to this weird room-"

"Oh, the dark room. Haven't heard about it much but I've met a few ghosts that have been there," the boy said pushing his hair back. Alex could only stare. "So what keeps you here blondie?"

Alex thought for a moment, "What do you mean?"

"Well, ghosts cross over if they've completed everything they wanted or needed to do while on this earth. What's your unfinished business?"

"I... I don't know. My friends and I died right before we were supposed to play the show that would've set up our careers."

The boy Alex still didn't know the name of smiled, "Then that might be related to your unfinished business my dude. I gotta run but I'll catch you later."

Before Alex could say anything the boy had taken off with a quick wave. Alex sighed and headed back to the garage.


Alex hoped he would see him again. Well, he hoped he would run into the mysterious boy again without seeming like he was looking for him. He didn't wanna seem desperate.

Alex went back to the boulevard he had met the boy on, hoping to spot him among the crowd. It was starting to get late and he was ready to turn back when he heard him.

"Hey, ghost boy!"

Alex turned to see the boy running towards him, "Hey, I never got your name."

"Oh crap," he laughed, "I'm sorry about that. The names (Y/n)."

Alex felt his heart rate speed up as he shook (Y/n)'s hand.

"Wanna come with me?"

Alex furrowed his brows, "Where are we going?"

"Somewhere," (Y/n) grinned.

Alex shrugged and (Y/n) grabbed his hand and started dragging Alex behind him. They ran away from the busy streets and into back alleyways the the homeless and junkies hung out on. Alex felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up even though those people couldn't see them. Or at least he hoped they couldn't see them.

(Y/n) continue to pull him as they finally emerged on another busy street, he walked up to the tallest building on the street. Alex looked up confused, "What are we doing?"

"Just hold on," he said while squeezing Alex's hand a little tighter.

(Y/n) poofed them up to the top of the building causing Alex to squeak in surprise and jump forward to latch onto (Y/n). He only chuckled and pulled Alex closer.

"If I had known all I had to do was this to have you all over me I would've done it sooner."

Alex flushed a deep red and backed up slowly, (Y/n) grabbed his hand again and led him away from the edge and to the center of the roof where chairs and blankets sat.

"What is all this?"

(Y/n) smiled, "My hangout spot. Just me and the stars. The real ones, not those fake ones on the walk of fame."

"This is cool," Alex said, "How'd you get everything up here? I can't even lift a picture frame."

"Just focus your energy. It took me a few days to get everything up here, but I've been coming up here for months now. Best view of the stars in LA. the lights are so bright you can't see them most of the time," (Y/n) sat in one of the lawn chairs and leaned back, propping his legs up on the block of wood in front of him, "Don't just stand there. Sit down, relax for a while."

Alex stood there for a moment, his thoughts were racing a mile a minute. He kept going over the moments leading up to now especially that hug they just accidentally shared.

"What's wrong?" (Y/n) asked.

"Uh... nothing just- just wondering what the view from up here is like," Alex said, mentally slapping himself for sounding stupid.

(Y/n) chuckled, "Pretty sick."

Alex felt (Y/n) walk up beside him at his spot at the edge of the building. (Y/n) went to place his hands up on the wall but accidentally placed his hand gently on top of Alex's. The blonde jerked his hand back.

"Oh... I'm sorry," (Y/n) said to him, Alex thought he sounded slightly hurt at his reaction.

(Y/n) turned back out to look at the city, letting his hands fall back on the stone wall. Alex took a deep breath. He went back to his spot on the wall before gently placing his hand over the boys again. (Y/n) looked down at their hands before turning to him with a smile that made his breath catch in his throat and any words he was about to say die on his tongue.

They sat there for a while, just looking out over the city and the stars above. Eventually Alex felt the boys eyes on him. He turned just as (Y/n) began to lean forward to kiss his cheek. The movement caused their lips to smash together and Alex smiled.

"Not too bad ghost boy."


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