Back of my mind [Soulmate AU] (Luke Patterson x reader)

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[Soulmate AU]

Request: (wattpad @LydiaKellyRedwood) Will you please make a soulmate chapter

Prompt/summary:  Luke had always wondered why his soulmate listened to weird music.

Word Count: 1,115

Authors note: Takes place back in 1995!


For the first few years of his life Luke had always freaked out when he heard music playing at random times.

His parents took the time to gently explain to him the concept of soulmates and why he was hearing music, and Luke clung onto that idea quickly playing music at any time he could. It made him feel closer to his soulmate.

For a while in high school he dated around, letting fate take its course so he could have fun instead of waiting for his person. Eventually he saw most of his friends at school finding their soulmates, while him and the band still hadn't found theirs.

"$20 bucks to the person who finds their soulmate first," Reggie yelled one day at practice.

"$20 collectively from the group or $20 from each?" Alex sighed.


Still Luke carried around the Mp3 he had bought on sale, it was packed full of his favorite songs he could download and his headphones were always in his ears at school. He wondered if his soulmate liked hearing his music; because he definitely liked hearing hers.

"Am I more than you bargained for yet?
I've been dying to tell you anything you want to hear
Cause that's just who I am this week"

"Interesting song choice," Luke giggled as the song filled up the silent parts of his brain. He could tune it out with his own music if he really wanted to, but listening in on his soulmates music made him feel closer to the person he had yet to meet. Besides, he needed to know what they listened to so he could find them. What they had was unspoken, quite literally. They were just two people having a musical conversation inside each other's heads. If that was all Like had to go on, he took it with stride. He remembers every song they've played.

By the time the band had started picking up traction at school Luke still had yet to find the person that he had to listen to playing music all the time. As time went on he kept an eye out at concerts hoping to maybe find them.

"Take off, last stop
Countdown 'til we blast open the top
Face first, full charge
Electric hammer to the heart"

Luke looked up in class confused as he heard the lines he had written so long ago playing in the back of his mind.

"You okay man?" Reggie nudged him.

"Um, yeah"

Reggie laughed, "You don't sound like it."

"I just uh-"

"What are they listening to? Everytime we touch?"

Luke shoved his shoulder, "No man! They're listening to our demo!"

Reggie's eyes widened, "We just handed some of those out last night."

"I know! They must've been there!"

"Maybe they'll be at the performance tonight."

Luke sighed, he really did hope so.


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