Peppermint Mocha (Luke Patterson x reader)

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Hi everyone! My request form is now up and now you can send in request by clicking the link in my bio :)

Request: (wattpad @shelbyroseg) Luke and the reader have a Christmas movie marathon in 2020 and start the movie marathon off with the grinch. Luke and the reader are snuggled/cuddled up by a fireplace watching them. When all the boys end up poofing in and finish the movie marathon with them

Prompt/summary:  Luke and the reader try to have a quiet Christmas movie marathon, which doesn't last for long

Word Count: 1,002

Authors note: I'm sorry this is pretty short but if I get more christmas requests I'll definitely do more. I absolutely love How the Grinch stole Christmas!!! The new animated one is my absolute favorite so y'all know I HAD to write this :)


Carefully balancing two mugs of steaming drinks in her hands (Y/n) walked slowly into the living room where Luke sat scrolling through the endless options of Christmas movies on Netflix. He wasn't too excited when his girlfriend first came to him hoping to spend the day wearing pajamas and drinking festive drinks while cringy Christmas movies played in the background.

He had never been a fan of Christmas movies. He thought them to be repetitive and boring, but after he saw (Y/n)'s eyes light up when she presented him with the pair of matching pajamas she had gotten for the both of them he would die (again) before anyone ruined today for her.

As she handed him the steaming cup of hot chocolate they both leaned back into the couch and tossed the fuzzy blanket over their legs.

She stole the remote from his hand, "I wanna watch the Grinch."

"The what?"

She turned to him with an almost horrified expression, "You haven't watched the Grinch?!"

His eyes went wide and he shook his head.

"This is ridiculous," she said as she pulled up the animated movie on Netflix, "We're fixing this right now. This even has Pentatonix in this."

Luke threw his arm around her shoulder and she cuddled into his side. The smell of her drink wafted up to his nose.

"What is that?"

She looked up at him, "Oh, my drink? It's peppermint mocha."

"It smells awful," he said as she rolled her eyes.

"It's delicious. Try some," she said, lifting her mug up to his lips so he could take a small sip.

He blinked a few times before lifting the mug up again for some more. His eyes widened causing her to laugh.

"You want me to make you some? I have the k-cups in there for it."

He nodded quickly and she grabbed his cup and jumped up to go make some of the peppermint drink.

Luke watched the movie in silence while she was gone. Surprisingly... he didn't hate it.

Finally (Y/n) made it back with another steaming cup and handed it to him. Just as she went to sit down in her spot a knock came from the door.

He laughed as she groaned dramatically walking towards the door.

"Hey Jules," she said. Luke turned to see his bandmate at the door.

"Hey, nice pajamas."

(Y/n) smiled and looked down, the green pajamas were covered in read llamas with christmas hats on and said 'Fa la la la Llama'. When she showed them to Luke she simply shrugged and said, "They were on sale at Target, aren't they so cute?"

And they were cute to him because she looked so happy about her find.

"The boys and I were gonna head to that pizza place downtown but I see that you guys are busy so probably won't come now."

"Yeah," (Y/n) sighed and giggled, "We're having a Christmas movie marathon."

"Movie marathon?" Reggie said as he and Alex poofed into the doorway beside Julie.

Julie rolled her eyes.

"Yeah! I've been waiting all week cause you guys had practice."

"I thought Luke hated-" Reggie started but Julie quickly shut him up with an elbow to the ribs, "Ow! I mean sounds like fun!"

"Can we join? I'll order pizza," Julie asked.

(Y/n) turned back to Luke for approval, he shrugged and took another sip of peppermint mocha.

"Sure," (Y/n) said and Reggie beamed before grabbing Alex's arm and rushing inside.

"Is that peppermint mocha?" Julie asked, "Can I have some?"

(Y/n) nodded and turned and walked back into the kitchen. Luke stood up from the warmth of the blanket and followed her in there.

"Nope," Luke said walking up behind her and placing a kiss on her shoulder, "I'll make it, you go sit down and enjoy your movie."

She smiled before trying to run back into the living room. Her socks caused her to slide on the slick kitchen floor and she laughed before catching her balance.

(Y/n) smiled and went back to the couch. Julie had gone into (Y/n)'s room and returned with a pile of blankets before sitting down between Reggie and Alex on the floor and throwing two blankets over them.

Luke made it back with all three mugs intact to a very happy (Y/n) laughing and talking with his bandmates.

He realized he really liked Christmas movies now.

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