A Little Jealous (Reggie Peters x reader)

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Request: (wattpad @Fandom-lord) Y/n x Reggie where y/n is going on a date but it's only to make Reggie jealous and they end up dating in the end

(wattpad @reggieisacutie) Reggie x bandmemeber!reader, Reggie gets jealous of her and Julie's relationship and finally makes a move

Prompt/summary: Reggie get's jealous of Julie making a move on his crush.

Word Count: 824


The after party was something I was dragged into. Julie thought it would be a good idea for me to 'let loose' and possibly score a date for the show next weekend.

Normally after a show I would be loading up the van to transport all the equipment back to Julie's garage for practice the next day, instead I was out on the dance floor with Julie trying not to focus too hard about how tired I was going to be later.

The night consisted of Julie and I tearing up the dance floor, and me attempting not to stare at a certain bassist I would rather be dancing with.

"You still haven't talked to him?" Julie said as she saw my eyes flick over to him for the fourth time that night.

I sighed, "No, he seems to pre-occupied with those other girls to notice me. I can't blame him though."

"He's so stupid," she said, taking a sip of her drink, "Everyone knows he likes you. We keep telling him to make a move."

"I think you guys are just exaggerating what he actually thinks. To me he couldn't care less."

Julie rolled her eyes, "False. He likes you, we just gotta get him to see you're not always going to be there."

"And how would we do that?" I said.

"What if you and I just went on a date?"


It felt kinda childish, trying to get him jealous by going on a date with one of our friends. At the same time, even if he doesn't get jealous at least I'll have a fun night out with Julie.

"You ready?" Julie asked walking into the garage.

I stood up and straightened out my skirt, "Yup, lemme grab my bag."

"Where are you two going?" Alex said.

"Oh Julie asked me out on a date."

"A date?" Reggie said, looking up from tuning his bass.

"Yeah," I smiled, "We're going to the movies then out for dinner."

"Oh, have fun then..." Reggie said.

Julie smirked and took my hand to lead me outside as I waved goodbye to the boys.

Julie chuckled, "Is it just me or did he look jealous?"


The night turned out to be really fun. Going out on a 'date' with your best friend was the best idea we've ever had. As we walked back into the garage laughing the boys walked down from the loft to greet us.

"How was the date?" Reggie said with what looked to be a fored smile on his face.

"It was awesome!" I giggled, "We went and saw that new horror movie, and it wasn't even scary because she kept cracking jokes the whole time. We almost got kicked out."

"Then at dinner some jerk came up to us saying we were too loud, and (Y/n) told him to go sit back down. He looked so scared," she said as we both burst out into another fit of laughter.

"Sounds like you two had fun," Luke smirked, he looked over at Reggie and nudged him.

"Yeah, totally."

I smiled and turned to Julie, giving her a tight hug, "That was really fun Jules, I'm gonna head home to get ready for bed. Facetime me later?"

"Of course!"

I waved to the boys and started the walk outside.

I had really hoped maybe Reggie would say something to me after all of that. I really hoped the others were right and that he did have some returned affections for me, but as I got a few blocks away from the garage I realized he wasn't coming after me. That realization made my heart sink. Well, at least I had a fun night.


I turned around to see Reggie running towards me.


"I just-... I just wanted to say. I thought you looked amazing tonight."

I smiled, "Thanks Reggie. You ran all the way here to tell me that?"

Reggie chuckled shyly, "Well, I actually ran here because I wanted to ask you something..."

"Yeah?" I tried my best not to sound desperate.

"If, um, if Julie hasn't already asked you," Reggie said slowly, "Next weekend, can we go on a date?"

I smiled and gently took his hand in mine, "I was hoping you would ask."

"I'm sorry, I just didn't think you would say yes."

"Why wouldn't I?"

"You're just- you're so amazing. When I'm around you it's like I stop thinking and I say the most ridiculous things. I thought you thought I was dumb. And when I saw you and Julie going it, I don't know, I guess I got a little jealous."

"I'd never think that Reg. And just a little jealous?"

He smiled, "I guess a lot jealous. Instead of next weekend, can we do it tomorrow?"

"Of course," I giggled, "Pick me up at 8?"

Reggie smiled before placing a kiss on the back of my hand, "Count on it princess."

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