Distractions ( Reggie Peters x bandmember!reader)

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Requested on my tumblr: Yes!

Prompt/summary: Reggie has a crush on the lyricist behind the bands raps and verses and he's trying desperately to win her over

Word Count: 1,614

Authors note: I don't really know too much about rap so I decided to relate it more to music but she still basis her lyrics in rap so I hope this is okay!


Being the newest member to the band left me under a lot of pressure, I had to switch between different instruments and learn the parts in case something happened to one of the members so I could go on in their place. So I was like an understudy for the Phantoms as well as one of their lyricists. If Luke or Julie were having trouble getting inspiration they'd come to me and I'd help them work their way through their writers block by making them listen to famous rappers like Tupac and Eminem. After a while their minds would be focusing on the rhythms and the melodies instead of just words, because you can't have a good song unless it flows like a stream.

The problem that seemed to keep arising was Reggie trying to get my attention.

"(Y/n) watch!" Reggie said before he swung his bass over his back making it loop around so he could catch it again.

"That's cool Reg but we're supposed to be working," I responded before turning back to my notebook on top of the piano, missing Reggie's pouting face.

He was so sweet to me, but sometimes his antics would interfere with my work. I knew he wasn't trying to be annoying but after a long day of learning songs and writing with Julie it can feel like he's just trying to distract me just because he can.

"Alright so then there's a key change up to a D major," Julie said as she played the chord effortlessly on the piano, "And then I'm thinking Luke will come in on the melody-"

"(Y/n) look what I made you!" Reggie said running up to the piano, he placed a piece of paper in my hand, looking at me expectantly. I smiled at the picture of a hand turkey colored in with different colored crayons.

"Wow, thank you Reggie," I said and turned back to the piano with Julie.

"He really doesn't stop does he?" she said quietly.

I nodded, "It's endearing most of the time but right now I just really want to get this done."

"I need a line right here, I just can't get it right."

Julie and I continued writing, even leaving me a space to do some free verse that acts as a counter melody as well as to pick up the tempo for the final chorus. It wasn't too long after that when Reggie tapped me on the shoulder.

"What Reggie?" I said annoyed.

"Oh," Reggie said, "I wanted to ask if you were ready for our bass lesson but I'll wait."

My face softened as I saw the time on my watch, "I'm sorry Reg I lost track of time."

He nodded and led me over to the stools he had set up, I grabbed his bass out of the stand and plugged it up to the amp beside the piano.

"I'm sorry I annoy you all the time," Reggie said quietly.

"What do you mean Reggie?"

He sighed, "I just want to talk to you all the time I just forget that you're doing important stuff for the band."

I smiled, "Reggie you could never annoy me, or at least not to the point where I wouldn't like you."

"So you really did like my hand turkey?"

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