The Jersey (Carrie Wilson x reader)

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Request: Okay so I love your writing and I am such a sucker for sport!readers so I was wondering if you could do one with Carrie? Maybe she comes to support you at a game and like wears your jersey or number or sumtin, please and thank you! also i love you!!

Prompt/summary: Carrie is there to support (Y/n) at her state championship.

Word Count: 1,246

Authors note: I"M DOING ANOTHER SOCCER PLAYER READER CAUSE I HAVE PRACTICE LATER!!! ALSO I LOVE YOU TOO!!! This is basically just fluff cause I love Carrie and she's underrated


I really wasn't expecting her to be there tonight. But I couldn't be happier that she was.

"Are you coming to my game Friday?"

Carrie sighed and sat down the magazine she was reading, "I'll try. I promise. But the performance at the cafe might hold me up."

"I don't care if you're late, I just want you there afterwards. It's the state championship. I just want my girlfriend there to celebrate my victory or console me over my loss."

Carrie smiled and put her hand on my cheek, "I promise I'll do my best to be there afterwards."

And now she was here. I had just ran out on the field for warm ups when I spotted her in the stands, wearing my old jersey. The smile on my face couldn't be wiped off as I put my gloves on in the goal.

"Isn't that your girl (Y/l/n)?" One of my teammates yelled.


"Oh they're so smug."

"You're just mad you don't have someone there with your jersey on!" I yelled as I shuffled backwards into the goalie box with a smirk on.

After I got over the glee I felt of seeing my girlfriend in the stands cheering me on I finally got into my game mode. Trying to only focus on my teammates and how I could best support them, while also getting so awesome saves in. The team put up a good fight, making some good plays that scored us a goal in the first 10 minutes of the first half. Unfortunately, the opposing team put up a bigger fight, scoring 3 goals by the end of the first half.

By the time half time rolled around I was exhausted, dragging myself into the locker room I noticed my favorite sports drink on my spot.

"With love from your number one fan- xoxo Carrie"

I couldn't help but smile as I chugged the drink and collapsed on the bench.

"They're really hustling you out there, but you're still on your A-game!" my teammate cheered and clapped me on the back.

"It's cause their girl is here," my other teammate smirked.

I only rolled my eyes and finished off my drink. The couch's mid game pep talk lasted up until the timer went off signaling the end of the break and we all did our chant before jogging back onto the field.

"Go (Y/n)!" I heard from the stands.

I turned and blew a big kiss to Carrie, smiling widely as she snapped a photo of me. I figured it would be posted on her instagram later but I couldn't care less right now. I'm still just so glad she's here.

I pushed myself back into my game mode as the whistle blew for the second half. Our team managed to hold on, scoring another goal and bringing the score to 3-2. We might have a chance to tie at least.

Ten minutes left in the second half the other team got a breakaway.

I readied myself as they charged up the field. My teammates were too far behind to catch up and I realized I had to charge them. I sprinted as fast as I could, trying to slide and tackle the ball but the players were too fast. One pass to the outside teammate led to the final goal of the game. The slide I took left an aching pain in my shoulder that didn't go away, even as I walked off the field to the locker room. Tears fell down my face as I tried to take off my goalie gear and into my sweats.

"(Y/l/n)? You okay?" my coach asked.

"I think so, just pulled something in my shoulder on the last slide."

"Oh," he said, "Get some ice on it and rest up, go to the doctor if you have to. If you can't be at practice just let me know."

"Thanks," I shouldered my gym bag and walked out.

"(Y/n)! Over here!"

I looked out over the crowd of people to see the red head standing over to the left near the gate. She knew I was upset, but didn't say anything as she wrapped her arms around me and let my face hide in her shoulder, "You look good in my jersey."

"It's really warm and it smells like that good body spray you wear all the time. You did so good tonight," she whispered.

"Not really, my shoulder hurts."

She sighed, "Stop being so hard on yourself. I heard the other goalie complimenting your skill. And where does it hurt?"

I pointed to the spot on my shoulder where the pain was emanating from and she looked at it with a concerned look on her face, "I think you just pulled a muscle, lets get you back to my place and we'll put something on it okay?"

"Can we get some food somewhere?"

She smiled and pushed some hair out of my face, "Of course baby."

She grabbed my hand and lead me out to the car.

"I'm really glad you came," I said as I kissed the back of her hand.

"The performance got canceled so I got here as early as I could. I even got to sit with some of the other dates that were here for the team. Why didn't you tell me the games where more fun with them?" she giggled.

I chuckled, "You wouldn't have known if you hadn't come."

"I guess so," she said, "Where do you wanna eat?"

"You pick," I said as I leaned the seat back.

I felt my phone buzz and saw I was getting tagged in comments on instagram.

My wonderful s/o played amazing tonight. Say good job (Y/n)!

I giggled and liked the photo and a few comments that popped up on the post, mostly from her band's fans.

"Remind me to get a good photo of us together after a game next time," Carrie said.

"Yeah baby."

Carrie pulled through the drive through before starting the drive back to her place. I must've fallen asleep at some point cause when I woke up Carrie was beside me slightly shaking me awake, "Let's go sleepyhead."

I trudged up the stairs to her room.

"Nope, get in the shower first. You kinda stink."

I smirked and pulled the sweatshirt over my head and threw it at her causing her to giggle.

I was a little more awake after the shower and when I walked out with wet hair Carrie had sat my food on the coffee table.

"I'm proud of you."

"Thank you," I whispered.

"You ready for bed?" she said, rubbing my arm lightly.

"Yes please," I groaned as I climbed into her bed, "I swear this is the softest bed ever."

She giggled, "It's better when we're both in it."

I wiggled my eyebrows at the comment and she hit my shoulder, "Not like that!"

"You made it like that," I smirked.

"I did not! You made it like that."

I shook my head as I pulled her closer and felt Carrie kiss the top of my head.

"Goodnight soccer star."

"Goodnight popstar."

Julie and the Phantoms ImaginesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara