Uniform Troubles (Luke Patterson x reader) [Marching Band AU]

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Request: 7 with Luke please (Marching Band au)

Prompt/summary: Luke really likes to bother the drum major in the marching band.

Word Count: 1,219

Authors note: I KNOW LUKE PLAYS GUITAR NOT DRUMS BUT HE GIVES ME CENTER SNARE PERCUSSION VIBES!!!! Also I didn't really know where i was going with this so sorry if the plot seems weird, I was writing in between my online classes today


Some people say all drum majors have an ego.

I'd truly like to think I don't, but I would be lying if I said I was always humble on my podium above the band.

It truly is a rush, having everyone stare at and rely on you to lead them in the right direction. I couldn't do it all on my own of course, my section leaders are a big help in keeping everything in order. My band director handles things that are too big for me.

I never had any problems with section leaders. Well, except for a few.

Reggie Peters and Luke Patterson.

Both high brass and percussion section leaders.

AKA dumb and dumber to the rest of the band.


I ran into the uniform room to see the youngest member of the percussion stuck inside a drum case while Luke and Reggie frantically try to unlatch the case.

"It's stuck!"

I set to work on the other latches, "What the hell happened?"

"I don't know!" he says, "He asked to be put in there!"

I rolled my eyes, finally after a few minutes of hitting at the rusted latches on the old drum case the boy finally popped his head out and wriggled the rest of his body to freedom.

"I swear Patterson if someone gets stuck in another case you're on your own."

His eyes widened, "Don't tell Mr. Lockmore."

"I'm not that cruel, just make sure it doesn't happen again. You too Peters," I said.

Game days brought a different kind of hectic. Everyone running around trying to find uniforms, instruments, and equipment made it to where you couldn't take more than a few steps without running into someone.

Color guard always got ready during forth block. They took the most time due to having to curl and style hair as well as apply the show makeup they chose for this years theme.

After they cleared out of their room I would begin my process of getting ready. My hair took the most time so I did that first after putting my uniform on.


The door burst open causing my to drop my curling iron.

"Fuck!" I shouted as the iron hit my thigh.

"I'm so sorry! Are you okay?"

I saw Luke trying to zip up the back of his uniform, "I'm fine. What's wrong?"

"Everyone's lining up, can you zip me?"

I sighed before carefully zipping up the back and adjusting the rest of the uniform, "You really need to start actually folding this."

"I always have to load up the percussion equipment."

"Ah," I said, I sighed, "Well hand it to me tonight and I'll put the uniform up."

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