Birthday song (Luke Patterson x reader)

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Prompt/summary:  It's the reader's birthday and Luke scrambled to come up with the perfect present.

Word Count: 742

Authors note: My birthday was last week and I wish Luke would've sang to me!!!! :(


Luke flopped down on the couch in the bands garage with a giant sigh.

"What's up with you?" Julie looked up from her notebook at the boy.

Luke sighed again, "(Y/n)'s birthday is tomorrow and I have no idea what to get her."

Reggie's eyes widened, "Tomorrow's her birthday?"

"Yes Reggie," Julie sighed, "I already got her my present. You and Alex can just make her a card, she loves your hand turkeys."

Reggie smiled wide as Julie handed him a piece of paper to being on his masterpiece

"I still don't know what to get her," Luke ran his hands over his face.

"Why don't you go to the store and find her something?"

"First, I don't have money. Second, I want to make sure it's perfect."

Julie rolled her eyes and turned back to the song they were supposed to be working on.

"Ugh, Julie please tell me what you got her. I might be able to think of something."

Julie huffed, "I got her that tshirt she saw at Hot Topic the other day. And a few other little things like candy and stuff."

Luke sighed, "Well I need something perfect. Something she'll remember."

Julie held up the notebook, "Can we talk about this later? We gotta work on this song."

"A song..." Luke wondered, "Julie that's genius! I'll write her a song!"

He kissed her on the top of her head and ran up to the loft to grab his notebook leaving a frustrated Julie downstairs.


After an all nighter and a soundcheck with Flynn in the morning, Luke was finally ready to sing (Y/n) the song he had worked so hard to put together. He taught the rest of the band in the short span of an hour and they waited anxiously for Flynn to drag the birthday girl into the garage.

"Flynn, I'm barely ready. You pulled me away before I could decide on if I actually liked this outfit or not," (Y/n) said.

The band stood ready for when the door to the garage opened.

They heard Flynn and (Y/n) stop outside.

"I promise you're going to love this (Y/n)."

(Y/n) sighed as Flynn walked her into the dark garage.

"Hit it!" Luke yelled and Flynn flipped on the lights.

(Song is Here with my by Marshmello but I listen to the NateWantsToBattle version lol)

"Can I tell you something just between you and me?
When I hear your voice, I know I'm finally free
Every single word is perfect as it can be
And I need you here with me"

(Y/n)'s hands covered her mouth in shock as she stared in wonder at the boy serenading her. The smile on her face never broke as he and Julie sang in beautiful harmony at the chorus.

"Every day
You're saying the words that I want you to say
There's a pain in my heart and it won't go away
Now I know I'm falling in deep
'Cause I need you here with me"

Finally the song slowed down to the bridge and Luke walked up to her picking the melody out on the guitar. Finally the song ended and Luke grabbed her hand placing a kiss on her knuckles, "Happy birthday (Y/n)."

"You guys," (Y/n) said as tears formed in her eyes, "this is amazing. Thank you."

The group ran forward and tackled them all in a group hug, being careful not to hurt their istruments.

Flynn clicked off the camera, "That's going to be on trending tomorrow."

(Y/n) hugged them all back so tightly.

"Oh!" Julie yelled, "You still need to open my present."

She ran to the loft before returning with a gift bag.

"A JATP shirt, oh and this one!" she yelled as she pulled out the cute shirt she had seen a few days earlier.

"I know! It was even on sale when I went!" Julie smiled.

(Y/n) smiled and gave Julie a hug, "Thank you Jules."

"Let's go out to eat for (Y/n)'s birthday!" Reggie yelled and they all cheered in agreement.

As the group started to file out the door Luke grabbed (Y/n)'s arm to keep her back.

"Did you really like it?"

(Y/n) smiled, "I loved it Luke."

Luke smiled, "Can I do one more thing?"

(Y/n) looked confused but nodded.

Her eyes widened as Luke leaned in and pressed his lips to her. She immediately kissed back, trying to save the moment in her head forever.


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