Marker messages [Soulmate AU] (Reggie Peters x reader)

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[Soulmate AU]

Prompt/summary:  (Wattpad @unicorn1445) soulmate AU for Reggie (whatever appears on soulmates skin appears on readers skin) Reggie writes lyrics for a song on his arm, reader sees these and recognizes it at their next concert.

Word Count: 1,118

Authors note: Takes place in 1995 cause *shrugs*


One fight away from a divorce.

It's what he always joked, what his friends had always joked, just something to make the situation he was always facing at home a little better. A little more bearable. 

He'd always had a hard time expressing his emotions. Growing up in a house where one small comment could blow up in your face makes you want to shove everything down so you don't cause another fight. That's what he did, even if he didn't want to. Most of his time at home (if he ever went back there really) was spent locked up in his room, trying to drown out the harsh sounds with his fan and his headphones. For the most part it worked, but the anxiety of hearing people yelling still followed him around.

He knew that if he finally found his soulmate he could be himself, and treat them so much better than how his parents treated each other. But at the same time, he didn't feel the need to rush and find them like other people did. If they're destined to be together, it will happen, right?

He always thought the soulmate thing was make belief. Why would there be someone out there that's a perfect fit for him? The broken boy who hides all of his feelings in being the flirty bass player to the high school's residential rock band. It just didn't make sense to him.

That is, until the truth rose to the surface.

He hadn't thought twice about it. The lyrics came up in his mind during class and in a moment of panic to try not to forget it he scribbled it down on his arms, so he could write it in Luke's notebook later at practice. He was always better at finishing songs anyways.

That's a good one.

He did a double take at the marks on his arm that weren't there before. His breath got caught in his throat for a moment as he stared down at the words written in blue marker. They were real. He really did have a soulmate.

He tried to brush it off. Tried not to freak out that the person who he's connected to just saw some of the deepest lyrics he'd ever written on his arm.

He tried not to think about what else they might say.

He didn't realize that the marks on his arm applied to everything that touched his skin. After cutting his hand on a broken bass string (god that hurt) he saw another marker message pop up.

Be more careful, my hand was bleeding so bad.

Reggie stared in shock at his arm before running to grab a marker to write back.

Sorry. I'll try.

He mentally hit himself for making the message so short, so boring. He didn't actually hit himself, in fear of hurting his soulmate.

He sighed and threw the marker on the couch.


Eventually he started having a little fun with the messages.

Drawing tiny doodles for them to find on their hands and arms, just random smiley faces and hearts.

My teacher asked why I laughed in class. Stop it.

He laughed and pulled out a marker.

Sorry :)

He drew a giant smiley face on the back of his hand before putting the marker away.


He didn't think about the drawings for the rest of the day.

The band skipped their last class to go to the garage and practice for their show at the cafe that night. His mind completely focused on playing and packing up the van to head to their gig.

He didn't expect to be shocked as soon as they started their set.

The first song went great. The crowd was responding to their performance really well and the adrenaline rushing through the boys as they moved onto their next song was unmatched.

Then he saw it.

A giant smiley face on the back of a girls hand. Drawn with big eyes and crooked teeth sticking out. He glanced down at his hand to make sure, his innocent eyes widening as the truth was revealed.

It was her.

He caught her eye and ran a hand through his hair. Making it blatantly obvious of what was on his hand. Her eyes widened in shock as she looked at her hand frantically trying to compare it. He sent a wink her way, she smiled.

His heart started beating faster.

He tried to play the rest of the show as he normally would, but every chance he could he would look over at her and send a wink her way.

Finally,as they were walking off stage she caught up to him.


Reggie turned from placing his bass in his case and caught her as she flung herself into his arms.

"You did amazing!" she said, "And why did you draw such a big doodle? My friends asked me about it all day!"

He giggled and pulled away from her to look at her, "I thought it was funny,"he admitted goofily, his flirty stage persona dwindling back into his usual boyish charm. He continued, "Besides, I wouldn't have seen it tonight and met you if I hadn't, right? ?"

She let out a quick, breathy laugh, "I guess you're right. I'm (Y/n)."

He smiled brightly as she held her hand out for him, "Reggie."

They both gazed at each other happily for a second, then went in for another hug.

"I'm so glad I found you," he sighed, "I was so worried I wouldn't. It already feels like I've known you for years."

"Me too," she said as she rubbed his back affectionately, "I heard the lyrics. The one you wrote on your arm. At first, I thought it was the guitarist but that didn't make sense, he didn't have anything on his arms."

"He always wears those muscle shirts."

She laughed and it felt like music to his ears, "The song really was beautiful."

His heart warmed, he didn't always get as much recognition for his lyrics as Luke did, it felt nice to be seen. He gestured to her, "Let's get out of here, yeah?"

Reggie nodded and grabbed her hand.

"Woah woah woah," Luke said as he walked out of the door that led backstage, "No ditching the band for dates, okay?"

"I think we can make an exception."

Luke looked at him confused, "For what?"


Luke's eyes widened and Alex's mouth went agape, curling into an open mouth smile, "You guys can go."

"Dude!" Luke said to Alex.

Reggie squeezed (Y/n)'s hand and they started to walk off.


The pair laughed as Luke and Alex kept bickering. As they finally got away from the group Reggie pulled (Y/n) into another hug. She held him, letting him stay there as long as he needed. The constant anxiety that he had felt when he thought about how they would meet had drifted away leaving only an inner peace that only she could bring him. He finally understood why people rushed to find their soulmates. He can be himself now, and he is so grateful for that.

Julie and the Phantoms Imaginesजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें