The Letterman (Julie Molina x reader)

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Request: can you please do a julie x fem!reader where reader is a basketball player and loses their letterman jacket and Julie has a bad day or something and messes up her clothes so she gets the jacket from lost and found and that leads to people shipping them and whatever? thanks!!

Prompt/summary: Julie accidentally wears the star basketball players jacket at school.

Word Count: 1,116

Authors note: I love this idea so much omg


The first bell of the day rang causing the two girls to sprint inside.

"See you at practice!"

(Y/n) turned and waved at her friend before rushing into the music room.

"Ah Ms. (Y/l/n), I see that you decided to joining us this morning."

"Sorry! Coach kept us after practice last night and I couldn't find my jacket this morning."

The teacher sighed, "Don't let it happen again."

"It won't, I promise."


Julie had had a terrible morning.

First her alarm didn't go off causing her to be late, she forgot her sweatshirt at home so by the time her second class rolled around she was practically a Popsicle, and someone ran into her in the cafeteria staining her dress with food. The school always blasted the AC in the summer so she always tried to bring a long-sleeve shirt of some sort to keep her warm during class, her last resort was to head to the lost and found to see if anything there she could use to cover up the giant stain on her dress. The lost and found closet held a few jackets and hoodies, as well as hats, shoes, and even someones underwear.

Julie grabbed
the closest jacket to the door and rushed out, not looking to see what it was since she was going to return it by the end of the day anyways. As she threw on the very warm jacket she saw she was getting odd looks from the students around her.

"Why is everyone staring?" she said as she walked up to Flynn.

"Do.. you know who's jacket you're wearing?"

Julie flipped the jacket off and turned it around to look at the lettering on the back.


"This... this is that basketball players jacket isn't it?"

"Yup," Flynn giggled, "And now words going around you two are a thing."

Julie felt her face grow hot as she fiddled with the Letterman in her hands.

"Just put it back on, you can give it back to her after school. The team always hangs out in the gym."

"I can't do that!" Julie screeched, "It'd be so embarrassing!"

Flynn rolled her eyes, "You can talk to the cute girl without it being weird, now put that back on so people don't see the chocolate milk stain."


The rest of the day seemed to drag on slowly. (Y/n) was freezing without her warm Letterman jacket in her bag, and Julie had to endure the whispers and gossip that came with wearing the basketball players jacket.

By the end of the day they were both ready to go home.

(Y/n) waited patiently in the gym with her teammates for the rest of the students to clear out so they could use the locker rooms. Shooting and joking around. (Y/n) heard the girls go quiet and whispers start from the bleachers causing her to turn to see the infamous Julie Molina walking into the gym. It wasn't until she finally saw the jacket slung across her shoulder that she realized what she was doing in there.

"Um... (Y/n)?" Julie said quietly.

(Y/n) propped the basketball on her hip and walked up to the two girls, "Hey, was wondering where that went."

"I found it in the lost in found," Julie said, she opened up the jacket to reveal the stain on the front part of her dress, "And I used it to cover this up. Sorry I took it, I didn't realize it was yours until later."

Julie went to take the jacket off before (Y/n) stopped her, "No, no, it's okay. Actually, if you show up to my game tonight and cheer me on I'll let you wear it the rest of the week. It looks better on you anyways."

Julie couldn't help but blush at her cocky smirk, "O-okay."

"Great," the girl smiled, "I'll see you tonight!"

Flynn had to drag Julie out of the gym in her frozen state.


The game that night was crowded with people from both teams, Flynn and Julie quickly found seats near the bench they knew (Y/n) was going to be sitting on.

As the team ran into the stadium the entire crowd stood up to cheer.

Julie didn't know too much about basketball but every time the school's team scored Julie tried her best to cheer with the rest of the crowd. (Y/n) sent cocky smiles her way every chance she could, and she loved how Julie blushed every time. The game was close, with only a 30 seconds left the team needed a miracle to pull ahead from a tie.

The point guard quickly passed the ball to (Y/n) who launched it from half court, right as the buzzer went off the ball hit the backboard and sunk into the net.

The crowd went nuts.

Team mates surrounded (Y/n) jumping around in celebration, as soon as (Y/n) could break free she sprinted over right to where Julie and Flynn were standing. Pulling Julie into a hug and kissing the top of her head. The team quickly pulled her away to shake hands with the opposing team.

After the game most people stayed behind to take pictures with their friends or family members. (Y/n) quickly spotted Julie and Flynn trying their best to sneak outside.

"Hey," (Y/n) said, gently grabbing Julie's hand, "The teams going out to eat after this. Do you wanna go with me?"

"Oh, like, on a date?"

(Y/n) giggled, "If you wanna call it that then yeah. Let's go on a date."

Julie smiled and nodded.

"Great, lemme go get changed and I'll meet you outside."

(Y/n) ran off to the locker room. Flynn grabbed Julie's shoulders and cheered, "You got a date!"

Julie laughed at her friend, a couple of players passing them stopped in front of the girls, "About time (Y/l/n) said something."
Julie blushed as (Y/n) emerged from the locker room in joggers and a crop top. When she got closer she grabbed Julie's hand and pulled her into a side hug, "Ready to go?"

"Yup, Flynn do you want my dad to take you home?"

"I got a ride, you two have fun," Flynn smiled and started to walk away, she quickly turned around, "But not too much fun!"
Julie and (Y/n) laughed as she finally walked out the gym doors.

"I'm actually kinda glad you found my jacket. But, you would look better in one of my hoodies," (Y/n) smirked.
Julie blushed and hid her face in (Y/n)'s shoulder.

"I think I'm gonna stick to the letterman."

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