Inked (Reggie Peters x reader)

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Request: scenario prompt number 9 - reggie (jatp)

9- Person A showing Person B all their tattoos.

Prompt/summary:  Reggie has begged the reader to show him her tattoos, but they're not what he expected.

Word Count: 862

Authors note: Kinda short but I haven't written for JATP in a while and thought I should try again. The vibe is Rhiannon by Fleetwood Mac. Reggie and the reader are both 18 in this!!! Could take place in modern day or 1990's.


The first two things the band noticed after (Y/n)'s 18 birthday was one, her perpetually happy mood, and two, the band of plastic wrap that was wrapped around her upper arm.

"What's with the plastic?" Luke asked. When he tried to pull her arm close to get a good look she slid out of his group and walked towards her guitar case.

"You'll see soon enough."

This caught Reggie's attention. He knew she had wanted to get a tattoo for her birthday but she never would tell anyone exactly what she would get. The high school senior had become quite the rebel in the months leading up to her special day, and she knew her parents would flip if she got a tattoo.

So that's exactly what she did.

Reggie gently grabbed her arm, "So, what'd you get?"

She chuckled, "You'll see Reg. I promise."

Reggie smiled and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before walking back to his spot in the garage and slinging his bass over his shoulder.

The rest of practice went by slowly. Everyone seemed to be eyeing the mysterious spot on her upper arm the entire time.

After that practice (Y/n) seemed to keep her arms covered, or at least down to her elbow.

"Just tell us what you got," Luke groaned.

She laughed lightly and adjusted her sleeves, "No."

"You haven't even shown Reggie!" Luke said, "He's your boyfriend!"

"Yeah I think I should see," Reggie smirked.

"You'll see when it's done."

The boys groaned.

"Wait, when it's done?" Alex asked.

"Yeah," said (Y/n), "It's gonna be a whole sleeve. I gotta get it finished tomorrow."

"That's sick," Luke said.

As the band filed out of the garage Reggie stopped his girlfriend at the door, "Can I go with tomorrow?"

She smiled lightly before pecking his cheek and leading him out into the warm summer air.


The shop was cool and lit with bright neon signs. Different tattoo sketches lined the walls as (Y/n) led her boyfriend over to the couch to wait.

Instead of her usual baseball tee (Y/n) opted for one of Reggie's comfy flannel to keep the tattoo covered and keep her warm in the chilly building.

Finally the tattoo artist called her name and she stood up with a wide smile. Reggie followed her into the small studio and watched her strip the flannel off before sitting down on the bench and leaning forward.

As they talked Reggie zoned out while looking at the work on her shoulder. You could tell it wasn't fully finished but even then it was still gorgeous.

The orange and yellows of a setting sun combined with the blue ocean looked amazing against her skin. The ocean seemed to taper off in a wide arch before flowing into small music notes that went down the back of her arm to almost her elbow.

Reggie couldn't hide the wide grin on his face as he watched the artist work on shading in the ocean and sun.

Finally (Y/n) stood up with a fresh wrap of plastic around her arm.

"That's the coolest thing I've ever seen."

"It was a sunset curve," (Y/n) grinned.

Reggie leaned forward and placed a gentle kiss on her lips, "Maybe I should get one."

"Maybe," (Y/n) smiled and brushed his hair back.

"Are you gonna get more?"

"I already have more."

"What?" Reggie said shocked, "Where?"

"That's for you to find out later."

Reggie laughed and kissed her again. This time a little more fiercely.

"Let's go see them then."

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