Chapter 3: Not So Low Key

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"So my soulmate is in Seoul and a dancer," Juliette recalled, "That's not much to go off of."

"You know who is a really talented dancer that lives in Seoul?" Valerie asked.

"Don't say it, I know who you're going to talk about."

"Jimin from BTS!" Valerie said as she nudged Juliette.

Juliette got flustered because she used to be madly in love with him when she was in high school but she knew that her crush would only ever be a dream and never a reality since their soulmates are chosen for them.

"I only casually listen to them now. I'm over my crush on Jimin," Juliette assured her.

"Oh yeah? Then why do you keep that painting in your room?" Valerie teased her.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

Valerie suddenly ran off down the hall to head for Juliette's room. Juliette chased after her while yelling "Stay out of my room! There's nothing in there!" Valerie opened the door to her room and stepped inside to look at the painting on the wall.

"I said my room is off limits."

"You really think you can hide this from me? When you admire someone so much you make a painting of them, it's inevitable."

"That's so not true."

"You know what else you do? You always put the date of when you completed your painting on the bottom right corner."

In Juliette's room, there was a giant painting of Jimin from when he danced his solo in the 2019 MMA. Juliette was blushing so hard while Valerie exposed her.

"And look at that," Valerie pointed out, "This painting is dated April 15th of 2022. Wow, is that this year? So much for being a casual listener."

"I f*cking hate you. How did you know this would be in here?"

"I've caught you watching that performance so many times when you're stressed or sad. It makes you feel better but you put it away when anyone else is around're embarrassed?"

"Ok fine! I'm not low key about liking BTS and yes I am still madly in love with Jimin. I thought that if I pretended to not like BTS as much as I do, I could get over him but I can't."

"I knew it!"

"It doesn't matter anyway. I doubt that the Park Jimin is my soulmate."

*Back in Seoul*

"So if the letters spell Paris, does that mean my soulmate is a painter in Paris?" Jimin asked.

"I think so. But that's not much to go off of sadly," Namjoon commented.

"I don't know what to do with this information. It's not like we know any young painters who live in Paris."

"You know I like art and museums and all that. I could look into some French artists and that way I think I would be able to find someone who matches the description."

"I guess that's all we can do for now until I end up switching talents with them again and I can use their painting skill to get another clue."

*A few days later, back in Paris*

"Are you sure you want to post this?" Valerie asked Juliette.

"Yes! And use the caption I told you to put."

"Alright, we'll see if this works."

Valerie uploaded the painting Juliette had made onto Instagram with the caption she requested. Within a few hours, the painting got the most likes and shares she had ever gotten on any of her previous works.

*Back in Seoul*

"Hey Jimin," J-Hope told him, "A fanart of you is going massively viral on all social media."

Jimin sat up on his bed as J-Hope sat across from him. He handed his phone to Jimin so he could look at it. The photo was a painting of Jimin dancing his solo from the 2019 MMA and the caption read After finding out my soulmate is a dancer in Seoul, I thought showing the painting of my favorite dancer would get me one step closer to finding them. Wherever you are, I'm sure you're as amazing as my idol.

"Who made this painting? It's beautiful," Jimin commented.

"Let me see. People keep reposting it but they tag this person on Instagram named @painting_avec_amour (meaning @painting_with_love)."

Jimin looked them up on Instagram and his eyes widened as he read the bio. J-Hope noticed his expression change and was curious as to what caused it.

"What happened?"

"This is too much of a coincidence. It can't be."

"What is it?"

"There's no way!"


Jimin stood up and went to knock on Namjoon's door as J-Hope followed behind him still confused about what was going on. When Namjoon opened his door, he shoved the phone in his face.

"Is this her? Is this my soulmate?" Jimin asked Namjoon.

Namjoon took the phone from Jimin's hand and looked at the Instagram account's bio that read "25 year old artist; Paris, France" and then the Korean and French flags next to the text.

"I don't think it's her," Namjoon said.

"C'mon! She's a talented painter around my age that lives in Paris and is half Korean! The caption even says that her soulmate is a dancer! You cannot tell me this is not her."

"It all lines up but this is too easy. It hasn't even been your second switch yet. Remember how long it took Hoseok hyung to find his soulmate? You guys have the same talent!"

"That's because his soulmate has such an obscure talent; not many people are woodcarvers."

"Ok, here's my rebuttal. Many people paint and many people in Seoul dance. Literally any other idol who focuses on dancing could be her soulmate and I'm sure she's not the only female in France who can paint."

"He has a point Jimin," J-Hope jumped in, "I've never heard of soulmates finding each other this easily in life. It takes more time and switches to know. Just wait for more clues."

"You guys are right, it is too good to be true. I'm going back into our room and laying back in bed."

Jimin walked back into him and J-Hope's room to look at his phone again.

"I know this is my soulmate, I can feel it," he thought to himself.

*Back in Paris*

Valerie had gone back home to have lunch with her husband as Juliette's painting kept booming on the internet like crazy. She was getting many DMs from fans as usual but one in particular caught her eye. It was a message from a profile without followers, followings, or posts. The message read:

"I think I'm your soulmate."

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