Chapter 22: Future

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 In the morning, Jimin knocked on Juliette's door and she let him in. He sat down next to her on her bed and then sighed deeply.

"What's wrong Jimin?" she asked him kindly.

"We leave for tour in a week," he shared with her.

"I know that. Your tour has been planned since last year. What makes you sad about it now?"

"It's just now hitting me that I won't be able to see you for the duration of the tour. It's gonna feel weird since we've been in each other's lives for the past five months."

She gently held Jimin's hand and continued.

"I will be here when you get back. Besides, it's not that long of a tour."

"I will be gone for the same amount of time we have known each other. When I come back that would be like having to start over."

"Not really, because we know each other and don't have to deal with switches anymore. That awkward phase of getting to know one another will be gone."

"I know but I'll still miss you. Five months is a long time. You've become so crucial in my life, I wouldn't even know what would happen if you moved out of the dorms."

Juliette let go of his hand and reached for her laptop and placed it on her lap so they could both look at the screen.

"I've actually been looking for a place to live here in Korea. I figured it's not worth it to go back to Paris because everything you do is here so I'll stay."

"You want to move out of the dorms? Why?"

"Jimin...I'm a woman who has lived with seven men for the past five months out of which I pretended to be a man for almost three months. I kind of want my own girl space for a while before...nevermind."

"Before what?"

"No it's nothing. Just know that I plan on moving out."

There was a knock on her door and she opened it to reveal Namjoon outside in the hallway.

"Hey Namjoon. What's going on?" Juliette asked him.

" of our female backup dancers turned out to be pregnant and she can't go on tour with us anymore. We have an open spot for another dancer if you want to join us."

"Oh uh," Juliette began, "This is like when I was asked to be an idol all over again except for a shorter term and in the background."

"Our manager and I have someone else in mind to take the spot if you don't want it but I wanted to give you priority."

"Do I have to decide right now?"

"Not at this moment but by tonight please since we leave in a week and have to contact the other dancer."

"I will be able to notify you by tonight. Thanks for asking me, I'm flattered."

"No problem, I'd love to have someone who is like a sister to me on tour with us."

"Like a sister?"

Namjoon rubbed the back of his neck with one hand.

"Yeah...we've all come to really like you and got used to your presence. Would be super awkward if you left all of a sudden."

"Well, I will think about the proposal, I promise. Thanks for dropping by."

Namjoon walked back into his room and Juliette closed the door behind her before rejoining Jimin on the bed.

"That would be a fun time if you came with us and I wouldn't have to miss you while being on tour!" Jimin exclaimed, "You'd get to travel the world with us. We're going to a lot of major cities! We're even stopping by Paris!"

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