Chapter 21: Family

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Several days had gone by and it was officially announced that Venus would no longer be working with HYBE. Fans began to express their disappointment because they wanted to see more of her since they loved her debut single. However, a lot of fans were also understanding of her leaving because of the lie that was spread about her and Jimin. Many people in ARMY were also expressing their opinion on how Mr. Bang showed a side of himself they had never seen before since he was always very nice to the BTS boys.

Those comments prompted HYBE to release an official statement explaining that Mr. Bang was following Jiwon Park's orders and he apologized for tainiting the company's image. Many of the artists in HYBE were also debating staying in the company and were afraid they would get played in the same way. Many of the trainees left the company and accepted trainee positions elsewhere for the same fear.

The only group keeping HYBE afloat at the moment was BTS with their continuous album sales, video views, and other merch sales along with the tickets from their upcoming tour. The other groups were not bringing people in and it was due to the scandal and people not wanting to support a company that would treat their artists in such a horrific way.

"Please talk to Valerie," Mr. Bang pleaded to Juliette, "If she releases a statement saying everything is ok between us and that it was all forgiven, maybe we can get ourselves out of this hole."

"No promises Mr. Bang, she is still mad about the whole thing but I will try because you asked me nicely," Juliette replied to him.

After that meeting, she called Valerie who was back in Paris at Juliette's mansion since things were still tense between her and Sacha.

"I most certainly will not make any video. They tarnished my relationship with Sacha and for a while, made people believe I was a liar. I am forever mad at HYBE," Valerie said over facetime.

"I knew you were going to say that but I don't want you to do this for Mr. Bang, HYBE, or even me. I want you to do this for yourself and for your fans. You and your fans have to let go of this horrible patch and a great way of doing so would be by making the video and releasing all the tension."

"But that still helps HYBE and I don't want to do that."

"Well then make it in a way that is meant to help you and your fanbase. If it also happens to impact HYBE, then so be it but it was never your intention."

"What's the point anyway? I can't sing and never again will I ask Sacha to switch talents with me."

"Things are still rough between you guys, aren't they?"

"Yes and to make matters worse, he brought up the idea of having a kid again which I still don't want to do."

"Can I ask you why you don't want kids yet? You always say you're not ready for kids but you never actually told me why."

Valerie instantly went silent and avoided looking at the camera.

"Valerie, you don't have to answer if you don't want to," Juliette reminded her.

"I never thought you'd ask me why I don't want kids yet but I did eventually want to tell you why, just never had the right time I guess."

"If you want to tell me now, you can."

Valerie took a deep breath and looked at the camera.

"I want my first kid to be born around the same time as your's and you're not going to have kids anytime soon. So I'm waiting for us to be pregnant together and that way our kids can grow up together."

"Oh Val, why didn't you tell me this sooner?"

"It's embarrassing, I know but we're so close as cousins even though we have several years between us. Imagine if our kids grew up at the same time!"

"It's not embarrassing but I'm afraid I won't be able to help you achieve that dream."

"You don't want kids?"

"I can't have kids."

Valerie gasped.

"You're infertile?"

"My tubes are blocked and it's not the kind that can be fixed with surgery."

"Can I ask how you found out?"

Juliette shared that a couple years ago she began to have some constant pain in her abdomen every few weeks. She knew it wasn't normal and went to get checked out in case it was something serious. When she went to get tested, she found out she had severely blocked fallopian tubes and was told she'd never be able to safely have kids. The blocked fallopian tubes is what caused her pain. The pain had stopped coming very often but every now and then she got pain again but managed with painkillers.

"I had no idea. I'm so sorry," is all Valerie could say.

"No need to be sorry, it's not like you gave me f*cked up tubes."

"I know but you can't have kids. Did you ever want kids?"

"I did imagine myself with kids and my soulmate but I don't know if I wanted that. I just knew it was the most common path in life. Maybe my body knew I couldn't have kids so it made me not really want them all that much. My only concern is that my family's biological line ends with me since I can't get pregnant."

"Have you told Jimin about this since he is your soulmate?"

"Well...we have only really been in bed together once but we had no intentions of getting pregnant so he used protection. I didn't have the heart to tell him he didn't need it since I can't get pregnant anyway. Since then, we haven't really talked about kids and settling down on our own."

"It is totally your decision when to tell him about this because it's your body but I would recommend telling him sooner rather than later."

"I will when the time is right."

"If you don't mind me asking, do you still have your period? And what did you mean by you can't 'safely' have kids?"

"According to my doctor, I still produce eggs and yes I still have my period. The only thing is, the egg can never be fertilized because the tubes block it from reaching the womb."

"So if you got a surrogate, you could have kids if they removed your egg and put it in another woman?"

"I mean, I could carry a baby myself from my own egg but there's a high risk rate for both the baby and me. Surrogates are expensive and I'm not even sure Jimin would want that option. We can always adopt."

"I'll be your surrogate."

Juliette's eyes widened at the statement.

"You're just saying that because of the conversation we're having right now."

"No, I mean it. I want to experience a pregnancy, you can't have kids but maybe want one with Jimin, and your parent's biological line can continue with you!"

"But what about Sacha and you having your own kid?"

"Sacha has told me many times he wants a kid hoping it'll keep me home. When I'm pregnant, I have to be home for nine months. Besides, Sacha needs to grow up and realize you were in my life way before he was and I would do anything for you."

"We have a lot of time to think about it and I haven't even discussed it with Jimin but thank you Valerie. You really are like my sister. You've helped me through so much."

"What did we even get on this call to talk about?"

"Uh...the video?"

"Right, I'll see what I can do about that."


"Yeah, really. You're right, I have to move past this in a positive way."

They briefly talked about Juliette's Instagram page before hanging up for the night.

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