Chapter 30: New Beginnings

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*Time skip ahead to January 2025*

Everything was looking up for all the BTS members. J-Hope had a baby girl and baby number two was on the way. Jin's adopted son was like her older brother. Everyone had moved out of the dorms and only stayed there when working on albums or tracks together. All of the members had their own solo albums, solo tours, and other projects. Jin was finally in a k-drama, Yoongi got his Agust D tour, Namjoon got to do more work as a producer, and life was going swell overall for all of them. ARMY was very supportive of their activities and their families.

Jimin and Juliette moved in together after Juliette spent over a year with Valerie and her baby. She also gave the deed to the house to her and moved all her art supplies to Korea. She ended up keeping her apartment to use it for storage space and her art studio but lived full time with Jimin in his condo. Seeing that everyone else had started their families and after seeing Valerie become a mom, she didn't feel so scared to become a mom herself. Jimin's activities had also slowed down so for the time being, they were enjoying their own company and had even adopted a cat they named Joo.

Juliette was ready to tell Jimin that she wanted to continue the pregnancy and asked Jin for his help in cooking a surprise dinner to share the news.

"Jin, thank you so much for helping me. I can cook but I can't cook if you know what I mean," Juliette joked with Jin.

"Anything to help out my future sister-in-law. By the way, have you guys talked about a wedding?" he asked her, excited.
"We did a couple years back but we never really planned on one. We know we will be together forever so there's not really a point in having one."

"It would be a nice memory to look back on and you can tell your baby how much fun you had declaring your love to everyone. Besides, I know Jimin has been dying to see you in a wedding dress. He won't stop talking about it every time we meet, especially since I had my wedding."

Jin had gotten married a few months back and was happy to have solidified his union with his now wife. His son also had a lot of fun being the flower boy at the ceremony.

"I don't know, maybe. We will see."

"Anyway, I'm so excited you're going to make me an uncle again! It'll be so nice to have more baby laughter in my life. Since I won't ever get to experience that with my wife, at least I can live that through everyone else."

"I was scared to be a mom but I got to experience some independence and helping Valerie be a mom made me realize how fun and rewarding it will be to be a mother. Right now that Jimin has slowed down his activities, it's a perfect time to start a family."

"I still can't believe you were able to freeze a whole fetus! That still boggles my mind but I'm glad it was an option for you until you were ready."

They continued talking about the matter until they finished cooking dinner for Jimin. When they finished, Jin headed back to his house and Juliette put on a cute dress and did her hair in a simple bun to look nice. She then also set up a painting she had made of what she thought her future baby would look like. Anxiously, she waited for Jimin and when he came back to the house he had a huge smile printed onto his face.

"Baby," he said as he came in, "I have amazing news!"

"So do I," she shared with him.

"You first."

"No, you go first. My news is a bit time consuming."

"Ok, ok! Since my activities have slowed down, HYBE offered me to be the dance instructor for the trainees!"

"That's great Jimin! I know how much you love to support the trainees especially since Ji-Hoon helped us out so much with our switch."

"Speaking of him, the best part is he gets to be my assistant on occasion. This is going to be so much fun!"

He then looked behind Juliette and noticed the dinner she had set up for them along with the baby painting.

"Did you prepare this all by yourself?"

She shook her head and shared that Jin had helped her. They sat down to have their meal as Jimin continued to beam about his new job and what he was going to teach all those trainees.
"I was even told that I could help put together the next boy group they're creating since I will be spending a lot of time with them as their instructor."

"Jimin, I'm not gonna lie to you. I am very happy you got this job but then maybe I should hold back on my news."

He looked behind her again and focused on the painting of the baby. That's when it hit him.

"You're ready to unfreeze the baby?"

She nodded her head, smiling.

"Juliette, I have been waiting years to hear you say that. I am so happy you feel ready!"

She put her head down a little sad.

"But now you're worried that my new job will take time away from us having the baby, aren't you?"

Juliette sadly nodded her head. Jimin held her hands in his own.

"This job is only part time, I will teach them in the mornings and if I really have to, I can have Ji-Hoon, J-Hope, or Ni-Ki sub in for me. They are all capable dancers."

"But before we have the baby, I want to get married."

Jimin's eyes lit up.

"Really? You mean it?"

Juliette nodded again with a bright smile.

"But what about it being a casualty and that we don't have to prove our love to everyone? What made you change your mind?"

"You can thank Jin. He kinda pushed me over the edge with the idea. And the more I thought about it, seeing Valerie with her husband and her baby just seemed so perfect. I want that too."

"Then ok! Let's have a wedding and then we can have the baby. How's that sound?"

"That sounds perfect!"

They embraced one another and shared a kiss before continuing their meal.

*Time skip ahead to July 2025*

Jimin and Juliette got married in Paris. It was a very private event and it was held at her childhood home where Valerie was now living. All the BTS members and their families along with Ji-Hoon, his bandmates, and a few other idols joined them at the celebration. Juliette wore an amazing mermaid style gold wedding dress and Jimin wore a white tuxedo. Shortly after their wedding, Juliette continued her pregnancy and was excited to be a mother.

Jimin started his job as the dance instructor for the trainees and was so excited to see the new talents he was helping nourish. Juliette continued her painting on social media and was able to sell her portrait of Madame Raysse for over a million dollars! She was now the most famous painter on social media and in Paris. However, Korean artists started to notice her work too and she collabed with designers to paint on dresses for idols, murals for important buildings or idols' homes, and much more.

After all their struggles, permanent talent switch, and unexpected babies, things turned out to be...not so bad.


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