Chapter 7: Let Me Do It

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"This is Ji-Hoon and he's a HYBE trainee," Jimin explained.

"How did you pull it off?" Juliette asked.

"He's been a trainee for a few years now and even though he's not as old as me, he looks enough like me and dances super well to pass off as me. He's also a very fast learner."

"How did he learn an entire choreography set in a few days though? Nobody can be that fast."

"Even though I can't dance myself, I still know what dancing entails so I was able to teach him and explained the moves while he danced. Hoseok hyung also helped me."

J-Hope smiled brightly at the mention of his name.

"Consider me impressed Ji-Hoon, you really threw me for a loop."

"Thank you miss," Ji-Hoon replied, "I never got your name."

"Oh sorry, I'm Juliette and Jimin is my soulmate."

"Oh so you're the famous Juliette. He did mention you several times while teaching me. He kept saying how much he regrets making you angry and that he was doing this for you and OUCH!"

Namjoon stepped on Ji-Hoon's foot so he could stop talking but it was a little harder than expected. Juliette turned to Jimin after Ji-Hoon exposed him.

"What do you mean you did this for me?" she asked him.

"Can you guys excuse us for a moment?" Jimin told the others.

He stood up to go to the living room and held Juliette's hand so she could follow him and they had a seat on the couch together.

"I did get the trainee to pretend to be me for you," Jimin continued, "Even though Namjoon hyung suggested it, I agreed to it because I want you to continue having a normal life."

"My life cannot be normal anymore, my soulmate is a celebrity and I can no longer paint!"

"I know but if people knew you're my soulmate, then everyone would think you forced yourself onto me and you would get death threats or stalked. I'm scared for your safety and since I created this mess by kissing you, it's my job to make it right as best as I can."

"You can't hide me forever, everyone knows we have a soulmate out there, even you guys. What are you gonna do when all your hyungs and the other maknaes find their soulmates? You're gonna hide them too?"

"That's what we have been doing so far."

Juliette's eyes widened at his comment.

"You mean to tell me that some of the others have soulmates and I didn't know about this?"

"None of the fans do because we hid them so well and played off our talent switches as 'injuries' or 'mental health breaks' or something along those lines."

"I'm shocked at how good you guys could keep them hidden and I understand where you're coming from," she placed her hand on his knee, "Thank you for this, really. It means a lot to me that you want to protect my identity."

"Your wellbeing is all I care about at this point."

Juliette looked into his eyes and they both smiled at each other briefly before she spoke again to break the silence.

"Let me do it."

"Let you do what?"

"Let me be your look-alike."

Jimin looked at her with a puzzled expression.

"I can't let you do that and you look nothing like me!"

"I'll cut my hair and dye it like your's, I'll wear a binder to hide my chest, we're the same height, and with makeup I could look like you. Your features are kind of feminine anyway so it shouldn't be too hard. And well...I feel bad that I stormed out on you after you kissed me and left you to fend for yourself. Even after that, you protected me."

"I can't let you do that. It wouldn't be right. It's too risky, especially for you."

Juliette placed her hand on his.


*The next morning*

Jimin and Ji-Hoon were in the practice room at HYBE waiting for the others to arrive so they could rehearse. Eventually, the others arrived and three of them gathered around in a circle so they could discuss the plans for the day.

"Why is Ji-Hoon here?" Juliette asked, "I thought I was going to take over being your look-alike now."

"And you are," Jimin commented, "But since Ji-Hoon has been me once, I thought he could help you learn to be a bit more like me."

"And was it necessary for the entire group to be here?"

The other BTS members who had been standing off to the side and not so sneakily listening to the conversation looked over to them as they heard Juliette reference them.

"I wanted them to be here so I could see your formation with them. We're still not 100% sure you'll be a convincing enough me," Jimin replied.

Shortly after, a couple ladies walked into the practice room with a rack of clothing and makeup.

"Who are they?" Juliette asked.

"Those are one of our stylists and one of our makeup artists. They're going to make you look like me in one of my outfits and with makeup. If that's good, then we'll proceed with the haircut and color later today."

Juliette was handed an outfit that Jimin would typically wear for rehearsal and then asked to change in the dressing room. When she came out, the makeup artist did her makeup to look like Jimin as close as possible. Her hair was temporarily tied up and then she wore a bucket hat. With that done, she was able to be seen by the other members and Ji-Hoon.

"Wow! She looks more like you than I do and she hasn't even dyed her hair yet! Oli London could never!" Ji-Hoon exclaimed.

"Who is Oli London?" Jimin asked.

"You don't know about them? They're a person who got so many surgeries to kind of look like you but failed miserably. They also married a cardboard cutout of you, DM you constantly, think they're Korean, and even identify as you."

"Should I get a restraining order?" Jimin asked, nervously.

"Ji-Hoon, enough. We can discuss that later. Anyway, hopefully after the hair change, she can remove the bucket hat and pass off as you because it'll be suspicious if you wear a bucket hat during every performance," Namjoon commented.

"So far, I think this is going to work as long as we switch back before the interview portion like we did with Ji-Hoon," Jimin spoke.

"How long will I have to pretend to be you?" Juliette asked.

Everyone exchanged worried looks as nobody had an answer.

"Probably forever," Ji-Hoon blurted out, "I mean Jimin did kiss you too soon and now neither of you can do your talents. I guess you'll have to be him for the rest of your life."

Namjoon gave Ji-Hoon a dirty look indicating that he had spoken too much. Jimin grew sad but Juliette was optimistic as the others were neutral.

"I'm sure you can relearn how to dance. The other members are amazing and I can help you too! I know you don't have the talent anymore but I'm sure it's locked in your brain somewhere, we just have to find the key," Juliette told him with a smile.

Jimin still was sad and looked at the ground despite her comment. Juliette gently lifted his head to face her.

"We'll figure it out, ok?"

Jimin smiled a little bit before pulling Juliette in for a hug and thanking her for being so patient. They then began their journey to make Juliette the new Jimin (for who knows how long).

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