Chapter 28: Disbanding

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*Time skip to early May 2023*

    In the past couple months, Jungkook managed to find his soulmate. His name was Lorenzo and his special talent was baking. Everyone loved that that was the talent switch because Jungkook had to bake so many clues to find Lorenzo. Jungkook traveled to Spain to meet Lorenzo and Lorenzo temporarily moved to Korea so they could fall in love and control their switch. They were still working on it.

    On the other hand, their 10th anniversary as a group was approaching and tensions began to rise as they originally had planned to disband or continue making solo work while still being "together." All of that changed when their soulmates were revealed because their main reason for disbandment was to keep their soulmates a secret, but now, they didn't know what to do. However, Namjoon called a meeting and all the members gathered in the living room to have their chat.

"Alright guys, we know our anniversary is coming up and how we've all been iffy about our next move as a group," Namjoon began.

    Everyone else nodded in agreement.

"Hoseok has some news that might help us determine what we plan on doing."

    All eyes instantly went to J-Hope.

"Well guys, it seems that my soulmate is pregnant," J-Hope shared with them.

"I'm gonna be an uncle!" Jungkook exclaimed.

    Everyone chuckled.

"That is very true Jungkook but that also means, I might want to settle down."

    The room's atmosphere became tense again.

"Now that that has been exposed, I have news too," Jin said.

    All eyes went to Jin.

"My soulmate and I decided to adopt since she can't have kids. We had a meet up with the child we want to adopt and we're moving forward with the process. He should be part of our family by the time July rolls around."

"Double uncle!" Jungkook exclaimed again.

    Everyone laughed once more and some of the tension was released.

" this it?" Taehyung asked.

"It doesn't have to be. Our soulmates aren't secrets anymore so I don't see why we can't continue as BTS," Jimin said.

"Do we really want to continue touring and having our busy schedules while also starting families?" Jin asked.

"I don't see why we couldn't do that but I also see how that might get in the way of experiencing our family's development," Namjoon commented.

They all sat in silence for a few seconds as they thought of what to do. Jimin broke the silence.

"What if we took a poll and asked ARMY?" he suggested.

"Take a poll? What do you mean by that?" Yoongi asked.

"We should ask ARMY what they want us to do. Obviously we're conflicted about what to do ourselves and how that'll impact our fanbase, so why not just ask them?"

"But this isn't about what they want and what's best for them, it's about what we want to do in regards to starting families." Namjoon pointed out.

"Even though it's not about them, they can help us decide," Jimin insisted.

"I like the idea of a poll but we shouldn't open it up to ARMY. I have a different suggestion. Why don't we do an anonymous poll amongst each other and whatever we vote for is what we choose to do, no arguments. The voting is final," Yoongi suggested.

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