Chapter 10: Square One

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Over the next several days, Jimin refused to return to the dance studio and preferred to stay in to paint for Juliette's Instagram. Juliette was mortified that she pushed Jimin so hard to learn to dance again that now he wasn't even passionate about it anymore; any spark that could've remained was nowhere to be seen now. All the members tried to get Jimin to at least watch the rehearsals but to no avail. Everyone gave up hope and they even post poned their tour plans to even later with the hopes that Jimin would learn by then. Since the tour had not been announced, it was ok to keep pushing it back. They also severely decreased their amount of time on TV by claiming that they had something "big cooking up behind the scenes."

On one of their days off, Jimin invited Juliette to paint with him.

"What's the point?" Juliette asked, "I can no longer paint."

"Try please, I tried to dance. Maybe at least you can paint again," he replied with a gentle smile.

"Alright, only because you tried."

Juliette sat at the table with a small canvas and some paints in front of her but she had no inspiration on what to paint. Most of the time, she would have an idea for what to make but this time her mind was blank.

"Why don't you start by just making strokes with the brush? Anyone can do that," Jimin suggested.

Juliette grabbed some paint on her brush and made a short stroke on the canvas.

"I did it! I painted something!" Juliette squealed with excitement.

"Do a few more, maybe something will come to you."

She made some more and switched up the colors but she wasn't making something per say, just lines.

"This is fun, I feel like a kid again."

"You've been painting since you were a kid right?"

"Yeah, my mom got me washable paints as a kid so I could fingerpaint. I didn't like using a brush so I only ever used my hands. I eventually picked up a brush when I wanted to make more complex paintings."

Jimin held Juliette's wrist and made her spread her fingers before dipping a brush in paint and painting her hand with it.

"What are you doing?"

"Teaching you to paint like a kid. You started with fingerpainting so start from there again."

Juliette used the yellow paint he had put on her hand to make a handprint on a clean canvas. When she saw it, it was like a childhood memory was unlocked and she started to brush other colors onto her hand to paint on the canvas using it. Jimin let her do her thing as he continued his own painting. By the time Juliette finished, she managed to make a beautiful fingerpainted flower with a multicolored background. It lacked some definition as it was all clustered but it was better than what a kid would make.

"That's a great start! How do you feel?" Jimin asked.

"I think I got my spark back. It reminded me of how fun it is to get messy and just paint. I really felt like a kid again, it's silly."

"It's not silly, you're starting from square one again."

"How did you start dancing Jimin?"

Her question caught him off guard but he kindly responded.

"I didn't start until high school. I learned to pop and lock first, believe it or not. Then I focused on contemporary dance before I became a trainee. As a trainee, I was pushed to learn other dance styles."

"I never knew that about you. I thought you began dancing way before high school."

"I wanted to because I danced around the house when I was a kid but I never had access to a good affordable dance program until high school."

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