Chapter 25: An Error

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Months later, BTS had ended their tour and returned to home in Korea. Erica went back to London to finish her contract with Cirque Du Soleil and then promised to move to Korea to be with Taehyung since she could find another circus over there to work at. Other idols began to share who their soulmates were too and the k-pop community began to become more accepting of idols being in relationships and maybe starting families at some point. However, k-pop companies also increased their security measures to prevent sasaengs from finding them.

Upon their return, with the money she had been given as a backup dancer on tour, she looked for a place to move into on her own while Jimin figured out his last moves with BTS as a group. The members were discussing how they should continue as a group now that their soulmates were exposed. For the time being, nothing would change and they would continue as normal at least for the remainder of the year but they were planning on cutting back on how much work they would be doing when they decided to settle down and start families with their partners.

The night before Juliette moved out of the dorms (roughly one month after their return to Korea), Jimin knocked on her bedroom door to have a chat.

"Juliette, I am concerned about you moving out tomorrow," he shared with her.

"Jimin, I know you don't want me to move out but I have to do this to have some of my own space before we live together. Besides, it would be better if I didn't live with you guys now that I am known to be your soulmate. If someone follows me, at least it wouldn't lead them here to the dorms," she told him.

"Yeah I know but since we've been've been acting weird and different."

"What do you mean? I feel totally normal."

"You've been a lot more tired, napping frequently, and eating more than usual."

"Are you calling me fat?!"

"No! Of course not! But it's just unlike you to eat as much as you have been. Is everything ok?"

"It's probably just jet lag from having been on tour. I'm sure it'll clear up in a few days."

"I've never heard of jet lag lasting longer than a week. None of us have ever experienced it longer than that at least."

"Everyone's bodies are different, get off my back will you?!" she told him, annoyed.

"Jesus, relax Juliette! Where's all this attitude from? God!"

"Attitude? You're the one getting all up in my business!"

"Because I am concerned about your health, you're not acting like your usual self!"

"Well maybe that's because I've been busy looking for a place, moving all my stuff, packing, and jet lag!"

"No need to yell at me! I'm trying to be a good soulmate!"

"You wanna be a good soulmate? Let me live in peace!"

"Fine, if that's how you want it."

Jimin walked out of her room and slammed the door behind him. In the hallway, Jin was standing nearby.

"Is everything ok Jimin?" he asked kindly, "It got pretty loud."

"I don't know what's gotten into her and I'm sorry we were loud."

"It's the move isn't it?"

"It's something else, I know it, but I'm not sure what it could be."

"Maybe it's jet lag."

"For this long? That's kind of odd."

"Go rest for the night and you two can talk it out in the morning when you both are rested and relaxed."

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