Chapter 20: The Mansion

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In the next several weeks, Juliette and Valerie went back to Juliette's house in Paris to pack up her things and move them all to Korea. The last room that needed to be packed was her art room of which she had been putting off because it would hurt her the most. That room had been changed so much from her childhood to her adulthood. She started her first finger paintings there all the way to making portraits of countless customers. That house was the last thing she had left of her parents after they died when she was 21 in a plane crash from an engine failure. Being away from the house for almost five months made it easy to let go of it but when she began to pack, the pain of losing her house settled in.

"What are you going to do with all these things? It's literally a mansion's worth of furniture and other items," Valerie asked her.

"I plan on selling everything except my bedroom things and art supplies. I don't have enough money to find another mansion to live in in Korea," Juliette told her.

"Speaking of living, don't you think the boys will eventually ask you to move out of the dorms?"

"I'm surprised they haven't since I am no longer Jimin's double. But I plan on moving out anyway, I have overstayed my welcome. I'll live with auntie while I look for an apartment in Korea since you're staying in Paris permanently."

"I guess this will be goodbye once you leave tomorrow back to Korea then."

Juliette and Valerie began to cry a little and hugged it out. Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"Those must be the movers taking my stuff to the storage while I try to sell it. Let me go get the door."

Juliette wiped her tears from her eyes and went to answer the door. To her surprise, Jimin was there instead of the movers.

"Jimin? What are you doing here? I thought you were in Korea!"

He handed her a piece of paper with Korean writing that read: Notice of home owner transfer. Then the paragraphs following it explained the value of the mansion, where it was located, who it was bought from, why it was sold, and then the buyer's signature at the bottom. She glanced at the title but didn't bother to read the document since she had read it before after signing it at the court.

"You flew from Korea to give me a document I already knew about?" she asked him.

*Flashback to several days before*

Jiwon Park's door swung open and Jimin along with Valerie's lawyer walked into the office and demanded to speak with him immediately. Jiwon's secretary walked in behind them.

"I am so sorry Mr. Park, I tried to stop them!" she said, panicked.

"It's ok Ms. Choi. They can come in."

She excused herself out of the office and closed the door.

"I have a feeling this has to do with the lawsuit, correct?" Jiwon asked.

"Yes it does," the lawyer said, "We need Mr. Bang present in the room too since you both signed the documents."

Jiwon dialed a number on his phone and requested his secretary to call up Mr. Bang into his office. After several minutes of staring each other down across the desk, Mr. Bang showed up and they all sat down at the meeting table in the office to discuss.

"Now, what is this about? Everything was settled in court weeks ago," Jiwon commented.

"My client would like to buy Juliette's mansion from you since you are now the owners of the property," the lawyer explained to them.

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