Chapter 11: Tell the Truth?

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Jimin and Juliette began picking up their original talents at a very unusually fast pace. However, Jimin still wasn't at the top level for the interviews they had a few days after the dance class. Juliette still filled in for him and they switched before the interview as they had been doing for a while. Jimin also continued making paintings for her Instagram until Juliette could get back to the level she painted.

Jimin was now able to do some basic BTS choreographies like "Permission to Dance," "Go Go," "Anpanman," "Mic Drop," and some bits and pieces of other songs that had easy chorus choreos. Juliette was now only using a brush to paint and was able to make realistic portraits but wanted to get down her abstract painting skill before going back to her Instagram since it would be odd to her viewers to suddenly only see realism.

Everything was going smoothly during their interviews and each of them continued learning at their rapid paces. However, one night during dinner, Namjoon received a call from their manager. Nobody was able to hear what he was saying on the phone but Namjoon's expression looked very concerned. When he hung up, he put down his chopsticks and looked at everyone very seriously (he was in leader mode).

"Ok everyone, we knew that this day might come but I didn't expect it to go down like this," he said.

"What are you talking about, hyung?" Jungkook asked.

"Our manager has informed me that a picture of us has gone viral on social media."

"Doesn't that happen almost everyday now?" Taehyung commented.

"This one in particular is different," he continued, "Jimin, would you please look at your phone and go onto any of our social media?"

Jimin opened up his phone (as Juliette looked over his shoulder) and figured Twitter would make the most sense. He looked at the trending hashtags and two of them were related to BTS. One was #BTSSecretMember and the other was #JiminTwin. All the tweets under those hashtags were...

"A photo of us entering our van after a show?" Jimin asked in shock.

"I'm in that photo," Juliette added.

Once she said that, the other members caught onto the situation without even seeing the photo or knowing the hashtags.

"We've been caught," Jin said.

"What do we do now?" Jimin asked.

"I genuinely have no idea, I'm sorry guys," Namjoon said.

"Before we jump to conclusions, let's see what people are saying about the photo," Yoongi suggested.

Jimin scrolled through some posts on Twitter and began to tell the others what they were saying.

"Some people are saying it's an edited photo, others say it's my brother who dressed as me to support us, a few people think we're playing a prank on them, and...I don't see anything about someone catching onto the switch."

Juliette, who had taken her phone out, mentioned that the same kind of comments were happening on their Weverse.

"At least nobody has caught onto us," J-Hope said.

"That's a good thing. Maybe we can use the prank idea to our advantage," Namjoon brainstormed.

"That could work. We could say it was my idea to prank ARMY with a Jimin double," Jin proposed.

"One problem with that," Yoongi said, "What if the person who took that photo reveals themself? It was clearly a paparazzi who got that. If they confess they took it, then everyone will know it wasn't a prank and it was a real photo."

"Honestly though guys," Juliette began, "Will ARMY believe some random paparazzi or you guys? It's their word against seven of you."

"I feel bad lying to ARMY," Jungkook commented, "Why can't we just be honest with them? We got caught so we should give it up now."

"What about Juliette's safety? Telling ARMY puts her in danger," Jimin reminded him.

"Well..." Namjoon said, "We don't have to reveal her, just that someone has been a double for you."

"But doing that means we have to reveal that I have found my soulmate which would make people want to know who it is, especially sasaengs," Jimin said a little more sternly.

"Sasaengs? What are those?" Juliette asked.

"A sasaeng is a crazy obsessed fan that stalks us not just to know where we go but to kidnap us or take our friends and family for ransom," Taehyung answered.

Author's Note: I know that sasaengs in real life are madly in love with an idol and stalk them for that reason. However, since in the story people have a soulmate, sasaengs are motivated by money and not love or obsession.

"Well they don't sound too bad. I mean you guys have never been confronted by a sasaeng before, right?" Juliette asked.

"We've had a few encounters but nothing too serious. We were able to quietly deal with the situations," Yoongi shared.

"When was the last time you guys had an issue with a sasaeng?"

"It's been a few years actually, right?" Taehyung asked.

The other members nodded.

"So, I don't see a problem with following Jungkook's idea of telling the truth."

"We can't do that Juliette, it's out of the picture," Jimin said.

Juliette slammed her hand on the table.

"This is my life we're discussing here. Don't I get to decide if I want to take the risk?"

A loud silence took over the dining table.

"Fans aren't stupid," Juliette continued, "Everyone knows even you guys have soulmates so why should they have to stay hidden?"

"Name one idol that has exposed their soulmate," Jimin said with his arms crossed.

"Easy, Chen from EXO. He even has two kids with her."

"But do you know who she is? What she looks like? What his kids look like?"


"Exactly. He revealed he has a soulmate but not the soulmate."

"Ok, what about Joy and Crush? They were revealed to be soulmates."

Author's Note: I know they're dating at the time I'm writing this so that's why I mentioned their relationship. Not sure if they are endgame but it would be cute.

"They're both idols and already in the public eye so revealing them doesn't change their life in any way, shape, or form."

"Ok but artists from other countries reveal their soulmates even if they're not famous like Ariana Grande and her husband."

"We're not international artists, we have to follow rules according to the k-pop formula."

Everyone at the table remained dead silent as Juliette and Jimin had this conversation in front of them.

"Clearly then, what I want to do won't matter because of a stupid set of rules. Can't I decide if I want to be revealed?"

Suddenly, Juliette's phone began to ring and interrupted their conversation which released the tension in the room. She excused herself to answer the phone; Valerie was calling now that she had returned to Paris a couple days ago.

"Thanks for calling, I was having a very tense conversation with an audience."

"Oh then maybe this is a bad time," Valerie said.

"No it's fine, anything to take my mind off of this situation."

"You haven't looked at your Instagram comments recently have you?"

"I never look at my Instagram because you handle that, you know this."

"Unfortunately, someone caught on that you're not the one painting for your page anymore and people are starting to believe them."

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