Chapter 16: Planet Venus

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"I can't accept this!" Valerie yelled.

"Why not?" Mr. Bang asked.

Juliette was shocked and sat in silence. Sacha had a gloomy expression on his face realizing his dream of becoming an artist was going down the drain by the second.

"I can't accept this because it's my husband's dream to become a recording artist, not mine."

"You should sign," Sacha spoke.

"But darling, that would be abusing our switch. I don't want to put you through that."

"You should sign because at least you can have the experience and I'll live it through you. Besides, if switching means I get to be your stylist, then I'm ok with that. We can be in the industry together. It's not exactly what I had in mind but I'm not totally against the idea."

"They don't have to decide right now, do they?" Juliette commented.

"No, of course not, but the sooner the better," Mr. Bang replied.

"We'll take it," they said in unison.

"That's great! You want to sign now?"

"Yes yes! Let me sign! When do I start?"

"I'll give you a month and a half to move all of your items from Paris and find you a condo to live in here in Seoul. Then we will see how you sing with Sacha's talent, give you some dance lessons, music lessons, and so on. You should be ready to debut as a solo artist sometime next year. Happy to have you on board."

"What the f*ck is going on?" Juliette thought to herself.

Valerie signed the contract and all of them left back to Juliette's car.

"What was that back there?" Juliette asked them.

"What are you talking about?" Sacha asked.

"You accepting, why did you do that?"

"Remember how I told you we were having issues because he wants kids and I'm not ready for that yet?" Valerie reminded her.

"Yes, what about that?"

"Sacha told me that he wanted to have kids because he hoped it would keep me home and we could spend more time together since I usually tend to be out with you and barely see him."

"Alright, so what does this have to do with the contract?"

"We realized while you were talking to Mr. Bang that if we work in the industry together, we could spend all of our time with each other and have fun while doing it. It'll be like our own...musical baby."

"That's actually a really good way to look at it. I'm happy for you guys, honest. I'm glad that my denial turned into something positive. My only question now is, what is the marketing plan for you because it can't be the one he was gonna use for me."

"What was he going to use for you?" Sacha asked.

"He was going to reveal me as Jimin's soulmate so that by associating with BTS, I would gain popularity too."

"That's an invasion of privacy. Shouldn't it be you and Jimin's decision if you want to reveal you're soulmates?"

"Exactly, thank you Sacha. You get it."

Shortly after, Mr. Bang called and she answered on speaker as they were driving back to her aunt's place.

"Yes, Mr. Bang?"

"I forgot to ask you in the office but would you like to be Valerie's dance coach? I know you didn't want to be an idol but maybe you can coach her at least."

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