Chapter 29: A Re-vote

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Jin walked back into the dorm leaving Ji-Hoon by himself in the car. Namjoon happened to be working on his computer in the living room when Jin walked in. He was shocked to see him back so soon.

"That was a very fast shopping trip. I was sure you guys would be out for hours," Namjoon commented.

"We need to talk," Jin said, sternly.

"I'm kind of busy right now. But I can talk to you when I'm done."

"Now," Jin demanded.

He walked down the hallway into his room and Namjoon reluctantly followed him realizing it was a serious matter if he was being persistent about it. He sat down on Jin's office chair while Jin sat on his bed waiting for Namjoon.

"Alright hyung, this is clearly important to you so tell me what is going on," Namjoon told him, calmly.

"We need to disband," Jin said.

"We agreed to not talk about this."

"You told us not to talk about it but that doesn't mean we all agreed to it. I was the member that picked the yellow paper! I want to disband! I can't be in BTS forever and now is a good stopping point. We have accomplished so much for the kpop and music community as a whole. We are past our prime, we have families, we want to do solo things, we can't keep going on together. Without meaning to, we will hold each other back."

Namjoon looked at Jin kind of disappointed in his abrupt venting moment.

"I understand that right now it seems like the wrong thing but I think it's best for us to stay together while doing solo work."

"You think it's best. What about the rest of us? We have opinions too!"

"As the leader, I have to make the heavy decisions and we did take a vote on it."

"That vote is unfair because we didn't have a discussion about it. We didn't hear each other's opinions and considered other options. We left many questions unanswered!"

Jimin heard the commotion and since the door was open, he walked into Jin's room.

"Hyungs, everything ok? I could hear you down the hall," Jimin said.

"We're alright Jimin," Namjoon said.

"No we're not," Jin said, "Come sit next to me. I want to hear what you have to say about this."

Jin explained to Jimin what he said about the vote being unfair because nobody got to voice their opinions. Namjoon explained that they didn't have to because it was agreed upon to make the voting anonymous to avoid any problems like the one occurring at that point.

"What do you think Jimin?" Namjoon asked him, kindly.

"I think..." Jimin hesitated.

He looked back and forth at both of them for a few seconds. Then he looked down at his lap to think before taking a breath and responding.

"I think Jin hyung is right."

"Ah-ha! Told you so!" Jin said to Namjoon.

"But I also see where Namjoon hyung is coming from."

Namjoon raised his eyebrows at Jin and gave him an "I told you so" look.

"Jin is valid in thinking we should express our opinions on the subject but Namjoon is correct in wanting to avoid problems of the matter. We already have so much going on."

"Then, what do you suggest we do?" Namjoon asked him.

"I think it's fine that we don't want to disband but I think that we shouldn't stick so much to the idea of just being BTS. We should be able to express our individuality. I'm sure some of us have projects, tours, or other things we want to focus on but being tied down to BTS so hard doesn't let us do that. I honestly think we only chose to stay together to not disappoint our fans."

"Is there something you haven't told us?" Jin asked him.

"Uhh...hyung, what do you mean by that?"

"You've been acting kinda off and sneaking around from us. And now, you're mentioning 'other things' while discussing this topic. Is there something you want to get off your chest?"

Jimin reluctantly told them about Juliette's pregnancy, freezing the baby, and getting a vasectomy. What he meant by other activities was the idea of continuing the pregnancy with Juliette but he was debating if he would even be able to do that while still being in BTS. He was scared that it would be too much to juggle once Juliette wanted to continue having the baby.

"Maybe we should do a re-vote then," Namjoon said, "And discuss it beforehand."

Namjoon called a meeting that same night and they talked about the situation expressing their wants and needs in regards to being in or not being in BTS. Most of them were saying they wanted to settle down at some point and it would be too much work to be a dad while still having BTS' usual schedule.

They had a revote but the options had changed. Now the options were to disband, stay the same, or only do solo work while releasing groups tracks every several months. They didn't do anonymity and all openly voted for their choices. They decided to do solo work with occasional group things and everyone seemed more content with this idea compared to last time. Yoongi immediately said he was going to start planning his Agust D tour after an album release. Jin began to look for auditions, Jimin talked to some dancers about a new music video, and the others continued their activities as well. They were all so excited to see where this path would take them.

Jimin wanted to share the news with Juliette and so he went to her apartment to talk to her for a bit. When he arrived, she was packing her bags.

"What happened? I thought you wanted to live in your apartment for a bit," Jimin commented.

"I did but plans changed back in France," she replied.

"Is everything ok?"

"Valerie is pregnant! And I want to be there through her pregnancy because she is like a sister to me and then maybe seeing her go through it will make me less scared of mine when the time comes."

"That's amazing news! Your family is going to grow! I am so happy for you."

"That also means she fixed things with her husband and I am glad that is going well for her. I know how tough it is to have fights with your soulmate."

"You know, we have to plan our wedding too."

"It's just a casualty for society, we know we're going to stay together forever. We don't need a wedding."

"Yeah but don't you want to dress really nicely and just have a fun night with friends and family?"

"Maybe, but after Valerie's pregnancy."

"I will try to visit you as much as I can during the next nine months."

"And more good news! Madame Raysse still wants me to paint a portrait for her. I am so happy she has been so patient. And also...I'm going to say goodbye."

"To me? You're leaving me forever?"

"No silly, I am going to say goodbye to Valerie and my house. I want her to keep it so I am going to give it to her. She's gonna build a family with her husband and I know how much she loved my house when we were kids so I am happy it will go into good hands. This way I can live here in Korea with you."

"But what about your art studio and all your equipment? Are you sure you want to let that all go?"

"I am sure. Being with you has taught me so many new things and how to let go of my past because I have a wonderful future with you. Besides, we can visit Paris whenever we want to and we can have anyone visit us when we want to."

Jimin helped her finish packing and he shared the news related to BTS. She was happy that they had an agreement about that and supported their decision. She was also excited for Jin's adopted child and J-Hope's baby on the way. All was well.

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