Chapter 26: Changes

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"Juliette, that's great news!" Valerie screamed over the phone.

"I mean I guess so but I didn't plan on having kids. I didn't even know if I wanted kids. We were still discussing adoption and your surrogate offer," Juliette replied.

"This will only bring you and Jimin closer than you are now."

"That's the problem! I just got my own place and I wanted to live on my own for a while to see what it would be like to have my own apartment in Korea. I wanted to explore painting in a new city in the peace of my own home. Now that I'm pregnant...I can't do that. I basically lost my freedom."

"But now you'll have a family and that's a good thing right?"

"But the timing!"

"Well then if that's the issue, why weren't you more careful with Jimin?"

"Did you forget that for the past like three years I believed I could never get pregnant because my tubes were supposedly blocked? I didn't think that not using protection with Jimin would be an issue."

"Right...and umm, what does Jimin think of all this?"

"He cried in the hospital when my pregnancy was confirmed because, like me, he thought it was impossible."

"And what about when you told him about your feelings?"

"I didn't have the heart to tell him about it. He looked so happy! Happier than any other time I have seen him...happier than when he learned to dance again."

"He has a right to know how you feel about the baby."

"I know Valerie but I don't know what to's not like I can just get rid of the baby."

"Then woman up and deal with it! Be proud of your child! He or she will be amazing, talented, and so smart!"

"But my independence!"

Juliette cried out and then buried her face in a pillow and let out tears of frustration. Valerie remained on the line, not knowing what to say, but stayed for comfort. After crying for a little bit, the doorbell rang in her new apartment. She stood up and answered the call machine.

"Who is it?"

"It's me Jimin! Can you let me in quickly please? I want to be sure no fans spot me coming in and the coast is clear right now!" he said.

"Jimin? Right now?" She said on the phone.

"Don't just stand there! Let him in!" Valerie exclaimed.

Reluctantly, she let Jimin inside, quickly said goodbye to Valerie, and hung up the call. When he reached her door, he realized she had been crying as her eyes were red and a little puffy.

"Oh no you cried! What's wrong?" he asked, concerned.

He stepped inside to take his shoes off and put on some slippers. Juliette tried to keep it together and said nothing. She gestured to her half unpacked living room and they sat on the couch the movers had placed a couple days ago.

"Will you tell me what's wrong?"

Juliette looked at him, still trying not to cry.

"Whatever it is, I can help you as best as I can," he added.

"I...I..." she said as tears fell from her eyes again, "I don't want this baby!"

She burst into tears and then cried into her hands. Jimin gently placed his arm around her to massage her back as comfort. He let her cry it out for several minutes without saying a word. Juliette eventually got tired of crying and laid on the couch, falling asleep. Jimin placed a blanket over her and stepped out of her apartment to let her nap.

A couple hours later, Juliette woke up to cooking noises coming from her kitchen. Jimin was standing in front of the stove cooking her some lunch with a gentle smile on his face. Non-refrigerated groceries were sitting on the counter next to him. Juliette stood up from the couch to approach the kitchen.

"What's all this?" she asked him, half asleep.

"You never got to buy groceries because we went to the hospital and I know you were tired, frustrated, and going through a lot," he said, still looking at the stove.

"Jimin, I'm really sorry."

"No need to be sorry. I'm sorry that we can't do anything about the baby other than raise it once it's born. I don't know why you don't want the baby and I don't have to know. All I can do is make sure your pregnancy goes smoothly. No more stress, more rest, and more cooked meals from me."

Juliette approached him and hugged him from behind to lay her head on his back.

"I love you Jimin. I'm sorry I said I didn't want our child."

"I accept your apology. I love you too."

Juliette put away the other groceries while he finished cooking their meal. He had made some spicy rice cakes and fried rice with tofu and egg. They had a pleasant conversation over dinner about their upcoming plans in terms of their careers. Juliette would travel back to Paris soon so she could finally do that portrait for Madame Raysse while Jimin would continue focusing on his career with the others so that by the time the baby was born, he could slow down the amount of work he was doing.

"Did you tell the others about the pregnancy? I'm sure they must have been worried sick about me going to the hospital," Juliette commented.

"I haven't told them yet. All I've told them is that you were really tired because of the jet lag and you're back to normal."

"Why haven't you told them?"

"I wanted to solidify a plan together before telling them. None of the others have kids so we wouldn't know how to handle the situation. But for starters, you can't be in this apartment anymore."

"Yeah, which sucks because I just got the place and now I have nowhere to move. This apartment is nowhere near big enough to have a family."

"You know I own a really nice property here in Seoul right?"

Author's Note: Based on a quick Google search, I found out some information on Jimin's properties but don't quote me on any of it. Do your own research.

"You mean that old ass building you bought back in 2018?"

"I wish it was that one but the construction was stopped when I began to remodel it for reasons I don't understand. However, I did buy a luxury apartment back in 2022."

"I remember hearing about that! The one that makes you Namjoon's neighbor right?"

"That's the one."

"Has it been empty this whole time?"

"It's furnished and has a master bedroom and two guest rooms but one of them can be made into the baby's room."

"That sounds like a lovely place to live in for the time being. I hope you can continue your remodeling of the old building so we can move there someday."

"Or we could move to Paris and live in your mansion."

Juliette was taken aback by his suggestion.

"Your whole career is here in Seoul though, that's why I left Paris behind to be with you here."

"I know, but BTS has to split up eventually. I wouldn't mind moving to France and trying a record company over there or I could work with HYBE from a distance as a songwriter."

Juliette reached out to hold Jimin's hand.

"The fact that you're even offering this means a lot to me. I know how much BTS and your career means to you. I promise I'll think about it ok?"

They cleaned up their plates before Jimin headed out for the night.

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