Chapter 19: Lawsuit

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The next morning, someone rang the doorbell like crazy and it woke everyone up. Juliette went to answer the door and opened it up to a crying Valerie.

"Valerie! What's wrong?" Juliette asked, concerned.

"Everything," she said between tears, "It's all coming down on me."

She threw herself onto Juliette and sobbed into her chest. Juliette closed the door and invited her to have a seat on the couch. At this point, Valerie was so frustrated that she spoke in French because it was the only language properly processing in her brain during her distress. She was saying how her life was a mess, she ruined everything, should have never agreed to the contract, and regrets everything but never explained why she was feeling that way.

"Relax Val, take a few breaths," Juliette encouraged her, "And calmly tell me what's going on."

"Ok," Valerie replied between sniffles, "I told Sacha about what happened with the contract because he saw my video with Jimin. Instead of being supportive, he got mad at me."

"He got mad at you?"

"Yes! Very angry! He yelled at me and said I didn't appreciate the opportunity I had been given and was more concerned about protecting you than living out his dream. That him giving up singing for me to have it was so stressful on him because he couldn't sing to his heart's content anymore."

"What did you tell him?"

"I told him to take his stupid singing talent back then! Then he stormed off to a friend's house and said he was going back to France until I came to my senses."

"He abandoned you right when you're about to get sued?!"

Valerie bursted out crying again. Jimin peeked his head into the living room and Juliette noticed. As much as she wanted to keep comforting Valerie, she knew he had something to tell them.

"What is it Jimin?"

"I'm so sorry she's going through a rough time but would you please turn the TV on? It's important," he responded, kindly.

Valerie wiped her tears away as Juliette grabbed the remote and turned on the TV. Jimin sat next to them on the couch to watch. It was a press conference being held with HYBE's CEO Jiwon Park and Mr. Bang right next to him.

"We are suing Valerie Dupont, better known as Venus, for violating the terms of her contract and costing the company millions. She will pay for her damages to the company and our image," Jiwon announced.

"Cost them millions? Damages to THEIR IMAGE?!" Valerie began to yell, "They barely spent money on me and they lied! They ruined their own image! How is that my fault?"

"Valerie, relax, we knew this was coming," Juliette reassured her.

"They're making me look like a monster!"

"We will let the court handle it."

*Time skip ahead one month*

In court, Jimin, Valerie, Juliette, and Valerie's lawyer were having last minute conversations outside of the courtroom. Valerie exchanged some dirty looks with Jiwon Park and Mr. Bang before heading inside to their designated seats.

Author's Note: I do not know how the court system works in Korea (or anywhere for that matter) so the following scene is in no way accurate to how this would actually go down if it were real.

The judge called for order in the court and for everyone to settle down. She then asked the plaintiff to give their statement and HYBE's lawyer stood up to speak.

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