Chapter 5: Stay With Me

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Juliette was finally able to talk to Jimin and clear things up with him. He was patiently waiting for her on the couch while he admired the art pieces around her house. She entered the living room and he spotted her, walked up to her, and greeted her.

"Nice to meet you my soulmate," he said and then kissed her hand, "I've been so anxious to meet you ever since I knew I had a soulmate."

Juliette blushed so hard as she couldn't believe her soulmate was actually Jimin and now her obsession that never went away made sense.

"I'm Juliette, it's nice to meet you too," she replied, "This is surreal to me because I have never even been to one of your concerts and now you're my soulmate? Wow!"

"Come with me to Seoul."

Juliette was not expecting such a request so soon; they hadn't even gotten time to speak or get to know one another at all and he wanted her to just drop everything and go to Seoul?

"Jimin, I am flattered, but I have a life here, I can't just drop everything and run away with you."

"Why not? We're soulmates and meant to be together."

"That's true but you're practically a stranger to me."

"Am I though? You said I'm your idol. You must know at least some basic information about me. It always amazes me how much fans know about us just through your screens."

"I have work here Jimin! My whole art shop is here and I need to reschedule that important portrait of Mrs. Raysse because we switched talents on the original day and if I don't post on social media for a long time, my views go down and my paintings don't sell, and it's all just too stressful for me to leave it all behind."

"Now that we've met, we will switch at random twice a week. We should be together now."

"I can't be there forever."

"Then don't be; come until we kiss. When we can control our switches, you can come back and we'll figure out how to make long distance work."

"We don't know how long that will take. Falling in love with someone takes a long time."

"It doesn't have to, we'll spend as much time as we can together! You could even stay in the dorms with us! We have an extra room."

"Jimin, I can't."


*The next morning, in Seoul*

Jimin had still not returned from Paris and the members grew concerned about him. They also worried he was crazy enough to drop everything to stay in France. They once again had breakfast without him.

"None of us ever acted this infatuated with our soulmates," Yoongi commented.

"Yeah we were all pretty calm, I don't know what got into him," Namjoon added.

"He'll come back, we just need to be patient," Jin said.

*That night*

Jimin was nowhere in sight and everyone went to sleep concerned that he hadn't even bothered to communicate with anyone at all. They knew he was an adult and would take care of himself but they were annoyed he just walked out on them knowing they had rehearsals and other commitments that week.

*The following morning*

J-Hope woke up and saw through blurry eyes a body on Jimin's bed. He cleared his vision and it was Jimin on the bed. He went out to the hallway and yelled everybody awake.

"Guys! Jimin is back! He came back!" he called out.

Everyone woke up and gathered around Jimin's bed and looked down at him as he slept in silence for a minute.

"Do you think he met his soulmate?" Jungkook whispered.

"I'm not sure, he looks peaceful though. Maybe he did?" Taehyung whispered back.

"Should we wake him up and ask?" Namjoon added.

"Ummm...good morning," a female voice said.

They all turned around to look at the entrance of Jimin and J-Hope's room to see Juliette standing there in pajamas. The boys screamed in shock which woke up Jimin and then he screamed which made them scream again as Juliette just watched that screamfest go down and giggled. When they relaxed, they all stared at her again.

"Who are you?" Yoongi asked.

"Guys," Jimin said, "Meet Juliette. She's my soulmate and she's going to be staying with us for some time."

"Juliette, it's a pleasure to meet you but would you please excuse us for a moment?" Namjoon said as he slowly closed the door on Juliette.

He turned around and had a deathly stare in his eyes as he looked at Jimin. The rest of the hyung line was also angry while Taehyung and Jungkook let the hyungs handle it as they watched from J-Hope's bed.

"How could you bring a stranger into the dorms without asking us?" Namjoon scolded him.

"She's not a stranger, she's my soulmate," Jimin replied.

"Yeah but we know nothing about her, she could be dangerous. Just because someone is your soulmate doesn't mean they're safe to be around," Jin said.

"How do we know she won't expose our location to everyone?" Yoongi questioned.

"Yeah and how are you so sure she's not faking to be your soulmate?" J-Hope said.

"I saw the white flash and felt the electric shock that Jin hyung said he felt."

The hyungs looked at one another and nodded.

"Well, at least we know she's legit but how do we know she's safe?" Namjoon asked.

"I never questioned you guys about your soulmates when you first met them. Why are you all fussing so much about mine?"

"True, but we did not bring them into the dorm unannounced and we got to know them very well before even thinking about disclosing our address to them."

The hyungs nodded in agreement. There then was a knock on the door. Taehyung opened it and it was Juliette in some comfortable easy to throw on clothes in the hall. Everyone turned to look at her.

"Can we help you?" Yoongi asked.

"Umm...I couldn't help but overhear that you guys are uncomfortable with my presence. I think I should go. Just wanted to let you guys know I'll pack and head out. I'm so sorry for causing trouble."

"It's nothing against you, we just want to be safe," Jin commented.

"No! You can't leave!" Jimin pleaded.

"It's what's best," she replied.

She left down the hallway to the empty room to grab her suitcases to leave. Jimin jumped out of bed and ran down the hall to stop her.

"You can't go back to Paris! You promised you would stay here!" Jimin reminded her.

"I promised you I would stay in Seoul, I never promised to stay in the dorms but you offered and we came back late, I didn't really have a choice. I texted one of my aunts who lives here and I will be staying with her until we kiss and I go or the guys are comfortable with me moving in, whatever happens first."

Jimin let out a sigh of relief.

"Well I'm glad you're not leaving Seoul but please stay here, the more time we spend together the faster we can fall in love."

"I know but, I care too much about you, as a fan, to get in the way of your friendship with the members," she said as she placed a hand on his shoulder, "We'll figure it out, ok?"

She gently pecked his cheek and began walking away from Jimin towards the door. Jimin grabbed her hand and turned her around.

"Jimin no!" all the hyungs yelled as they knew what he was about to do.

He pulled her closer to him by the waist and kissed her deeply.

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